Traffic jam means blockade of vehicles on roads and street. It is an unmoving state of vehicles on road. It mainly occurs at the crossing point of tha road. It is a great problem in urban areas. There aer a number of resons of traffic jam. What contributes a lot to the traffic jam is over -population. Unlicensed and unauthorised rickshaws are tha main causes of traffic jam. Violating traffic rulse and regulations illegal parking of vehicles on roads also causes traffic jam. Building materials piled up on roads cause traffic jam too. Whatever tha causes of traffic jam may be i think it is an unbearable problem for the urban peaple. In our daily activities we cannot beacome fast and punctual because traffic jam kills our valuable time. Office going peaple school going chindren and dying patients fall victim to traffic jam.

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@Siam123 posted 3 years ago
