"Top 5 songs to combat your secret battles."

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Written by
3 years ago
  • Date first drafted: September 15, 2021

  • Date published: September 30, 2021*

Not every day is a pleasant day, am I right? Wherever you are, whatever you are experiencing, whoever you are with, there will always at some point in your life that you will feel so confused or hopeless or exhausted, sometimes feeling unloved or alone, or worst case, depressed. Pretty much everyone has their silent battles to deal with every day, especially in this time of Pandemic. Regardless if you are still a student or a young professional or a married one.

You have your secret battles to deal with everyday things like being financially broke, having a toxic relationship, unending bills, having a routinary exhausting job, hard to answer out of nowhere questions in modules, perhaps you just lost a loved one or someone just diagnosed with a serious disease. Some however are lucky enough to have their support system during dark days and confusion but most of us are fighting on our own, trying to survive and staying strong.

Here's my sister feeling drained about her almost 2 inches-thick modules

Luckily, there are undeniably amazing songs that we can relate to with our experiences in life. Sometimes when our mouth cannot utter a word, we tend to find comfort and relief from the things that we love to do, right? from those foods that we like to eat and even from songs that we like to listen to.

One trusted way to breathe is to pause, have yourself some time alone to reflect, pray, meditate, and have some music on in the background.

Here are my top 5 recommended Christian songs that you may or may not want to hear but you still need so I'll be sharing anyway. Lol. I know that not every reader here is a Christian but knowing that we believe that there is Someone who is sovereign among us is what matters. Christian songs are always share-worthy because I would never underestimate the power of music, the internet, and God working His ways to touch others' lives.

Top in my list is:

"Echo" by Tauren Wells

I am one of those who like to go deeper with the lyrics and beat before liking a song plus I designate the singer as Bruno Mars of the Christian community because they almost sound the same.

This song may be out for quite some time now but not everyone has heard it before. Most of the time you doubt yourself, most of the time you fear something, or maybe you are constantly worrying about anything. Find strength through this song, you may dance and let go of the negative vibes knowing that God is unstoppable and He won't give up on you either because He loves you.

The next song is,

"Steady my heart" by Kari Jobe

The difficulty in life sometimes causes someone to be blinded and sometimes tend to question God.

Are you one of those who worry and then you worry and you worry so much about everything?

Anxieties and exhaustion can be battled up with this song. Try not to be a worrier but a warrior who can shield the negative thoughts and knows where to run, to God's loving arms. You can experience calm amidst the chaos if you choose to trust God.

The third song is,

"Way Maker" by Leeland

There is nothing more to further explain about this song but you just have to listen and believe the lyrics especially in the chorus part. Let this song alone praise God for what He has done, what He is doing, and what He will do to your life. He is doing something even if we cannot feel and see. We are humans bound with limitations, we don't know everything but God knows everything. He's working on something and no one can stop His plans and promises to happen in our lives.

Next is,

 "Truth be told" by Matthew West

Most of the time we hide the pain. We are wearing masks intentionally for people to believe that we are just fine and sometimes to avoid getting judged by others.

We allow ourselves to find happiness in the wrong places. Most of the time what is posted online is just a part of the whole story but some people just make up a story they want people to believe.

However, it's fine to admit to ourselves that there is something wrong and that not everything in our life would be perfect. It's okay to be broken inside, feel the negative emotions and just let God heal you. Just believe that He is still under control.

And lastly,

"God's not done with you" 
by Tauren Wells

We all have our time where we feel hopeless or we feel stagnant and defeated in life. That is normal, there is no guarantee that life is always happy. We will experience challenges, we will fall, we may fail.

God on the other hand never lost a battle, knowing that God is not yet done in your life makes you feel relieved and be grateful. There is something beautiful for you and your family to look up to. Be hopeful, be prayerful, be strong because God is not done yet writing your story.

Closing thoughts

There you have it, a brief look at Christian music but if we only knew what God can do, we could have sung a little louder. I thank God for the gift of music, that they are readily available. The singer may get old and die eventually, but their songs will remain alive, as the vibe and the message will travel all around the world and can transform lives even for future generations.

Sometimes we are just too hard on ourselves. Trying to have control over the things that we cannot control.

I believe that God let our pain happen for us to trust Him even more. You are not alone. Breathe and let go. We can combat our secret battles knowing God is bigger than our problems. These songs are just a reminder.

*due to low internet and busy schedule.

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Written by
3 years ago
