I am Shy..

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Avatar for Shyness
3 years ago
Topics: Life, Myself, Diary, Noise.Cash, Love, ...

Why am I Shy?

Why do they call me Shy?

  • Welcome to my first blog!! I am an official blogger!!! As you read my article, you got to know me a bit of myself.

First of all, thank you "read.cash" for the opportunity to write an article. "My very first article."I always admire people having the ability to write topics that they want to share to anyone. And I always thought to myself that "If others can, why can't I?"

Getting to know me

I'm Shy. Yes that's me..that's my nickname. I grew up by that name being called by everyone. Because of that, that word blends with me as I grew up (as what my family and friends told me). I grew up in Pasay City, Philippines and until I was in 3rd year in high school, we moved to Cavite. I am living with my family until now. I don't eat much veggies. I love seeing photos of beautiful scenaries from different countries but I don't travel. I enjoy listening to the music. It lessens my stress. I am simple. Nothing unique.

Being Negative

During school days, I do not participate in any curricular activities though I wanted to. I love singing but I'm not a singer (lol). I wanted to join the choir but I'm shy. I think singing is my passion that others don't know. I want to join "lyre & bands" specifically "a majorette" in school and seeing myself in front of everyone during school parades specifically "a majorette". I want to join other clubs to meet new peer but I'm always afraid to try new stuff.

I did not join in any of those plans. It always comes to my mind "the what if's".. What if I fail in the audition? What if people will not enjoy my company?What if I can't easily learn instructions?Full of what if's.. I felt very pessimistic which instill me until I grew up. I am anti-social. I am an advance thinker that something might happen bad. I am an introvert though I have circle of friends but its hard for me when blending with others. I don't talk unless they ask me because I'm afraid that they might get bored with me. It's like theres a wall to be what I wanted to be.

But when I started working, I realized that it's a different world than school years. At first, its always alarming during my first few applications but as time goes by, I get used to it which makes me confident. From production operator, sales clerk and now I'm in a BPO company (non-voice accounts). I can say that I have improved in my nature of work. Now that I'm old enough, I always put in my mind to be patient in everything you do and in dealing with different types of people. That's one of the key to stay longer in a company and I'm good at it. Being friendly but knowing your limits. I have travel in few places only but honestly, I'm not a traveller. It feels better when I'm at home with my family . I worry too much when travelling without my family.


But I know that I have change. I am not as timid as before. I still have friends. I have a partner and we have a son. I am with my family. I am happy being me. Being happy and healthy are what matters most nowadays.

People might think that my life is boring. But you know what? As long as you enjoy what you are doing, that's totally fine. I learned not to focus on what others will tell you but focus only to those who will accept you and love you for what and who you are.

I can say that my personality is just like any others. Let us enjoy life to the fullest. Stay positive. Stay happy. We may be stressed at any times but after that, just take a deep "BREATHE", pray to God and do what makes you feel comfortable. Sing..Eat..Sleep..Drink..Life goes on..

My name is Shy but I am confident to say that this will be the start of my journey with you. More stories with me and hoping all of you will love and support me all the way.

Thank you.......

$ 1.70
$ 1.64 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @immaryandmerry
$ 0.01 from @Shounenbat
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Avatar for Shyness
3 years ago
Topics: Life, Myself, Diary, Noise.Cash, Love, ...


Such a wonderful you,good luck for everything

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You don’t have to be shy because you are such a wonderful person! and i can sense that you are so nice too! Enjoy and bless you in your blogging activity. Have a wonderful day to you! 😍

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you so much. It seems you know me well.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hey. I was just passing by and your title caught me. Personally, I may have a big circle of friends but meeting the first time is usually the hardest. I am approachable but I never approached first. Anyway, you have taken us and show us a glimpse on your life through this article. I checked your profile and I saw that you're new in here. I just wanna say welcome aboard! I'm a month old user and I am enjoying the platform so far.

Good luck on your blogging journey in here. See you around, Ate Shy. God bless you and your family. :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you. I really appreciate your message. Im still learning how to navigate this app. Thank you.

$ 0.02
3 years ago

Oh. If you have some questions, you can ask me about it. You can also connect to me thru telegram for easy communication. My username in there is just the same in here. You can just search it and drop me a dm if you want. I'll be happy to be at help. :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you

$ 0.00
3 years ago