Hard time getting up early

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3 years ago
Topics: Advice

Did you experience having a hard time waking up early? What did you do to overcome it? And what benefits can we get if we maintain getting up early?

It's already 7:00 am. Ana needs to prepare for school. She set her alarm last night but looks like it didn't work. She is still lying down on her bed, saliva drooling on her cheeks. It's 7:05 am. She needs to wake up. Her school bus will pick her up at 7:30 am. How come she's still not preparing?

This is a common situation all of us (I think) already experienced. Since we're kids, waking up early is a big challenge. It's like the bed has a magnet that makes it hard for us to discharge. It's pulling us eagerly like we don't have the strength to flee.

But how can we overcome it? Can we beat the challenge?

Yes, we can. The only thing we require to overcome this problem is what we called "Self-Discipline".

But what is self-discipline?

According to Lifehack:

Self-discipline is defined as:

“The ability to control yourself and to make yourself work hard or behave in a particular way without needing anyone else to tell you what to do.”

Having self-discipline can make us get up early. Here's how:

Maintain a sleeping schedule

" Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise." — Benjamin Franklin

It's true... To wake up early, of course, we need to sleep early too. And we all know that our body needs at least 7-9 hours of sleep per night. So, if we want to wake up early... For example, 6 am... We need to sleep as early as 9 pm (9 hours of sleep) or 11 pm (7 hours of sleep). This should be maintained even on our day-offs. If our body got used to it, it will begin to wake up naturally.

Avoid the snooze button

Are you used to set an alarm? If so, does it help you? Or you just get annoyed every time it buzzes 'coz it disturbs your beautiful sleep? Whatever situation we have, alarms just do their job. To wake you up and let you know that it's time for reality. Alarms can be set on our mobile phones. And the snooze button is also there. It is designed to let us sleep again for a few more minutes. But did you know that clicking that snooze button will lead to falling back asleep and leads to sleep fragmentation? Sleep fragmentation is a repetitive short interruption of sleep. And it's not good for our health. Based on Medscape, "Personality changes and abnormal behavioral outbursts follow sleep fragmentation. Aggressiveness, irritability, anxiety attacks, and depression may occur." So if you're accustomed to the snooze button, try to put your alarm far away from you... It can help you to get up and turn it off.

Enjoy the daylight

Did you already try to spend your morning outside early in the sunrise with your coffee in your hand, walking and breathing the fresh air? This could be awesome. According to research, getting some sun first thing in the morning can help boost your mood and energy levels for the rest of the day. So, try to have a goal every day. Open your blinds before you sleep, allow sunshine to wake you up... And get up and have some coffee with it.

Benefits of Getting Up Early
1. Productive time of day
2. Have a lot of time to make healthy foods
3. Early at work
4. Calm and composed mind
5. More energy
6. Fall asleep faster 

Thanks for reading.

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Avatar for Shulzz
Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Advice


I love the snooze button and for sure it always makes me wake up late. For that, I always set my alarm an hour early. It comes to the realization that I felt much better after a holiday because I for sure do not have a good sleep pattern.

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3 years ago

Lol. You love it but it makes you wake up late. But yeah, I also do to set my alarm early an hour before the exact time to wake up. Sometimes I slept more... even it alarms the second time.

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3 years ago