Woke Up With The BTC Flash Pump News

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1 year ago
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More or less we all are waiting for the bull market like a thirsty crow. Last night when I was in deep sleep BTC had a flash pump to 17k but before I could see that it end and I woke up in the dawn. Indeed the flash pump is like a positive vibe for we crypto lovers or holders. I woke up and gen notification in my phone from kucoin wallet. Later when I enter my blogging platform I saw post on it.

These days crypto seems to me like a movie which is full of mystery, thriller, and interesting facts like this flash pump. Its a kind of lightning that just showed a short glance. I don’t know why but I'm really very hopeful about crypto pump in this 2023. I'm expecting 2021 to be back when cryptos were in good position. Miss those days, don't you? I know you also miss those days. A person who doesn't have decent amount in holding also expect the price pump, for example you can take me one of them.

Crypto is an asset that can help many people achieving their dreams but for that having decent amount of crypto should be on hold and wait for the best price of crypto to be flash. I always miss flash opportunities so I expect big pump at least for few days. Crypto already given a lot and maybe that's why today I dare to expect such things from it. We all know that BTC is the parent of crypto coin and today I found an interesting post where there author called BTC granddaddy which is also correct. Many excited people like me can't stop themselves writing about the flash pump of BTC.

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Actually crypto become many people's sentiment, emotions and pride. Sometimes I find myself emotional. I'm badly waiting for the moment when it will pump at least 2x from the current status and max pump I'm expecting for BTC is 60k in this 2023. Let me clear you one thing is that I'm not an expert in crypto research and also not a financial advisor. Here you can consider me as a common man who works for earning crypto and hold it for earning profits from it.

In this cold weather I want to experience some hot news from crypto world. 17k is not a big pump but still something that makes us happy and hopeful for few moments. Many experts predicting that 2023 going to be worser than 2022 but I believe miracle can be happen anytime and our life can be change in a second. You can take maximum advantage of bear market at this moment. I know I should say things I do for me personally but investment is only possible when you have money or assets. I have few coins and tokens in holding but that only for covering my yearly expenses not enough to ensure the lifetime financial security.

Aim this year to earn and hold my favorite crypto coins, I can hold them for a year. If things go on my favour I can hold until the price pump. We all need to have money specially when we are depending on our investment. Many people will become millionaire and billionaire when crypto will go to the moon. How amazing the feeling will be for a millionaire and billionaire. Right now only can dreaming such things for me.

Thanks For Stopping By!

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1 year ago
