This Is Always Great Having Plan B For Business

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1 year ago
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Here plan B is a second choice if ever plan A fail we can apply plan B. For business we know how much ideas and strategies are important and doesn’t necessary that our each plan will be successful but a good team work and research can help achieving maximum time success in business. If plan A working well then you are on right track and you still can have plan B for probable failure of plan A. This is like a back up for a business and it can help business running for long time as many believes.

For example, you have invested 30% of your capital and you are already having great ideas as plan A to make the investment double. But somehow, the whole plan fail for some minor mistakes. Stop regrating and try another 30% which was the part of plan B. Sometimes our plan A become successful but luck by chance it could be missed but nothing to be hopeless because we have plan B with a stronger research and team and there will be 99.99% possibilities of success.

If the plan B never used before then consider yourself lucky that your plan A was successful enough and your plan B is still saved for future use. Many business individuals may have plan A, B, C and D but having a lots of plan can be cause of irresponsibility to Plan A. Make stronger the plan A that your plan B only can be use when its an emergency. Plan B should be optional and a back up for business as I told before.

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When doing business better we don't be emotional and invest all the capital. Many people found doing this and suffer from a long term financial crisis which was unexpected. Don't be over sure about any plan and at the beginning invest as much you can afford to lose and I named this investment an experimental investment that could be profitable and we can reinvest from our profit like at least 50% of our profit can be invest again to make more profit.

Profit and lose is very common factor in business but a research team can help the business to get a kick. Make sure plan A going to work out, if not we have plan B with more effective ideas than before. When plan B workout then name it plan A and again make a new plan B. This was we can have plan B every time to run a long lasting successful business. I always appreciate having effective plans and having a single plan could be proof folly. Invest on predictable and probable successful business to make profit.

These things are my personal finance experience and perspectives, it can't be consider as financial or investment advice. You may have more improved ideas for running successful business but sometimes facts are very common and we can decide accordingly. Plans must help a business to run. Hope you agree so far.

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1 year ago


Sometimes when creating a plan in paper and realize it in the real life you realize that it doesn't work as expected. Then new plans are compulsory.

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