Story Of A Bad Night And Nightmare

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1 year ago

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This is the story of last night and its a true story. It was load-shedding half of the night. Electricity was back when it almost dawn and I fall asleep for a nightmare. I saw that my phone and important gadgets fall into the river when I was sitting at the middle of river bridge and it was narrow and risky to be seated and walking is impossible because it was a rope only.

I feel so stressed that my phone fall into the river and this is such a nightmare. Luckily it was a worse dream not the reality. There are lots of important docs, photos and videos saved in my phone and I don’t want to lost them. This morning I had plan to go to visit my sister's house but I'm feeling so tired and I may take rest few hours before I can be able to go to her house. Last night was painful, mosquitos bother me for long time, the warm weather didn’t allow me fall asleep. I awake for long time and felt really bad.

After spending a bad night I think a good day came into my life but these day nothing happen good to me. I'm forgetful and I scare to carry important gadgets when travelling. I need more sleep but I can't. So I had morning shower to feel fresh and good. I'll go for travelling for 3-4 hours or more and I want to stay safe and reach safely to destination place. Last night made me fell exhausted and I can't bear warm weather so summer nights bother me without electricity.

The nightmare made me more worried about the journey I'm planning. I'm concern about my laptop and my smartphone and I need to be more careful now. I don’t want to lost my gadgets and these are my best friends. These help me making money and money help me living a life so my gadgets are really very valuable to me. I need to be more careful to avoid unwanted accidents. I know I should think positive but I can't help my mind that thinks negative too.

Expecting a good day and happy journey but the last night bad experience and nightmare reminding me that I had a bad night when mosquitos sucks my blood and load-shedding made me sweated and tired. A good night sleep help us feeling fresh and energetic but if I can't sleep properly at night, I feel tired. Now some foods can help me to be energetic. Hope the nightmare never come true and Almighty Allah bless me with safety and security Ameen!!!

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1 year ago


Hello, there is a new generation of phones that is water compatible so even if it falls in the water there is nothing that you lose and you could swim even with this phone called a waterproof phone. However, this is a reality because phones fall into the water and no longer work is the old phone generation. Luckily it is a nightmare and not reality.

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1 year ago