Proud To Be An Honest

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1 year ago
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Last day I tried to get back my account to keep continue practice writing but I couldn’t! The chief of the team who doesn’t support people who works for their rivals. He claimed that their rivals scam a big amount of money as a result they consider people works for their rival site criminals. I told that I'm not a criminal and he told that leaving the rival site and make a blog saying bad about their rival site if I want to continue. But my reply was very gentle and honest.

He was a big investor and lost his big amount of money that maybe never can be forgotten. I can't feel him because our experience with the site was completely opposite to each other. If he consider the rival site as curse, I consider it blessing and I can't be a hypocrite to talk bad about the site brought blessings for me past two years. So I really proud of myself that I lost the potential earning opportunity and stay honest to the rival site of the guy. I feel pity to the guy as he taking revenge when I'm an honest user of the platform where his team brutally bullied me and forced me to leave or give up.

My honesty was not for any kind of reward, it was for self satisfaction. How I could say anything bad about a site when they did nothing wrong to me specially for the site where users misbehaved, grabbed my earning and pull me down for no valid reason. My fault is that I'm a user of their rivals when there are many already working for their rivals and how many they can stop by bullying and torturing? I was fool and out of luck that they find me or else last one year I'm doing my writing job successfully there including their rival site. I don’t want to mention site names many of you already can guess those names.

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People who suffer mostly want others to be suffered and they are taking revenge in a wrong way. If they grabbed my earning and make me workless does it bring any blessing for them? They could be satisfied that they successfully get me out from the site but my tears, my heavy heart can bring anything good for them? I may not have enough power to take revenge and I've learned the lesson from it is that if I ever become powerful, I'll never misuse my power to pull down others.

Anyway, everything happen for good and I shouldn’t ride on two boats at a time so better I focus on the platform that already proved itself such a blessing several times. Its fine if some sites become polluted for revengeful people whose take revenge from innocent users, not an accused. I cried a lot in my prayers, not because I want to get back the site but because I want patience to accept this down and work for site which knows my worth and giving priority. I wish may Almighty bless revengeful people with wisdom that they never become a curse to other's life.

Proud to be an honest that I didn’t betray with any site and leaving the site with peace as I don't want war that can spoil the peace of mind. People who decide to be harmful and curse to others, they never can feel the peace of mind or the peace of heaven. A person who bring curse for others, also become cursed by himself and nature take revenge as karma works. I'm a karma believer and Almighty Allah is the best justice above everything!

Thanks For Reading!

$ 0.62
$ 0.31 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.25 from @Coolmidwestguy
$ 0.05 from @Unity
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1 year ago


I don't know if I'm right or not saying this. Sometimes falling in affiliation with others in a group can lead to ungodly rules and expectations. I tend to stay away from affiliations especially virtually. I'd rather be among the many and be free of rules. Revenge is a vicious cycle that can go back and forth for a long time.

$ 0.10
1 year ago

I'm a karma believer and Almighty God Same here I let God do His work

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Revenge is not good that's why people must avoid revenge. Honesty is one of the important things that make us success.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Yes being honest is the key of success.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Shohana are you pertaining to blogging sites like this, there are many sites out there? Revengeful people always see powers as something they can use for everything not knowing that the Lord has made this Universes, even our emotions to be affected by doing so...

"I may not have enough power to take revenge and I've learned the lesson from it is that if I ever become powerful, I'll never misuse my power to pull down others."

I was thinking of this earlier too. Even if those you don't have personal transactions sometimes think you've done something wrong to them, no self control and thinking balance.

$ 0.02
1 year ago