Film Producers Should Invest On Potential Hit Stories

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2 years ago
Topics: Film, Producers, Invest, Money, Wisely, ...
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A film producer mostly invest on movies to earn huge profit and sometimes its really very profitable with the popular actors or players. Many people fan of actors because of their good look but if the actor doesn’t acting well that good look may ignored by audience. Sometimes producers think if they cast a popular movie star for a boring story that movie can be a biggest hit or blockbuster but here they are wrong.

Audiences are smart enough to choose the right story and many of them check audience reviews before watching it in Cinema Hall. Boring and repeating stories never can earn good money even you as producer or director select a very popular film actor. In the past the trick may worked but now it absolutely don't work. Recently I've watched a flop movie and it made only 33 crore rupee on the release date. I'm not mentioning the movie name but the movie had a poor story with popular actors of previous hit movies. More than100 crore rupees were invested in this movie but couldn’t earn even the money were invested.

Actors could be average or not so popular but if the script of movie is strong and the story is a unique one, audience will surely appreciate that. Actors whose can acting well should be selected instead good looking actors. We audience love creativity and uniqueness not copy paste of other stories or stories that watched thousand times. If I find any story boring, I skip that before watching it till the end and sometimes check audience reviews because no one like me doesn’t like to waste time for a boring story.

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So the title of my blog is saying it all. Do not invest on actors, invest on potential hit story that will be accepted by audience. Only casting super hit actors is not enough to reach audience and producers should invest wisely. History is the witness that there are many awesome story of a movie played by average type of actors had biggest hit.

But having popular actors is also important to reach more audience sometimes. There are many wise actors I know who never sign a vulgar or boring movie just for money and I trust them that their movies worth to watch. Not mentioning names but I became fan of them just because of their selection. When an actor work for a strong or potential hit story can earn more reputation as an actor and money. They proves themselves as an asset and they try not to lose the reputation and chose story wisely.

Some actors just work for money and story is not their priority as a result audience lost their trust and interest and think before watching the next movie of that actor. Producers may have huge money to invest but no one wants to experience a big loss. Flop movies can make a producer beggar so before investing on movie they should read the story and should feel like an audience. Invest on unique stories and then hire popular actors. Actors who have concern about reputation should reject boring stories as it can spoil their image. Actors should try something challenging that audience going to love and appreciate. Producers should trust on those actors and invest on their movies. This is not an advice just a realization and observation as an audience.

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2 years ago
Topics: Film, Producers, Invest, Money, Wisely, ...


There are a lot of jobs in movies behind the camera like cameraman helper or scripter or mounter of video that people doesn't know.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sissy, the word producer has a wrong spelling in the title 😊.

That is true. They need to invest more money for creating quality movies.

$ 0.02
2 years ago