How We Finish The Journey Makes All The Difference

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Written by
1 year ago
Topics: Life, BCH,

Hello everyone, it's so good to be back again after a long break, if i may call so. Thanks to Rusty for coming back too. I couldn't hold back the joy when I found out that our joy giver is finally back again. Rusty, those little tips you blessed us with each time we make a good article really helped us in so many ways. Thank you once again for choosing to come back.

How we finish the journey makes the difference. What do I really mean by this journey?

The journey here is not the usual road trip we make, but rather it's the life we are living. "Life is a journey" - the journey through life can be likened to the normal road trip where we come across beautiful sights, good and bad roads, beautiful structures and even the ugly ones. The journey of life is filled celebrations, laughter, challenges, heartbreak, and memories. All of these things, both the ones we expected and the unexpected gives the true definition of our purpose and also impact our journey.

Sometimes having a good moment in the process of the journey is far more important than completing it. Everyone has a life to live. How we end the journey makes the difference. It's just a matter of individual's choice. I might choose to make every moment of the journey count until i arrive at my final destination. While the other person might choose to put themselves in a position where they are showered with pity instead of accolades. If we all maintain a positive mindset, the journey will be a peaceful one, same as the destination we are heading to.

Even with the right perspective, don't expect everything to go as planned. The journey through life at some point becomes rough. Sometimes, it feels like the air in us has been sucked off, and it leaves us gasping for breath. This is a very important moment in the journey. And suddenly our minds are busy trying to figure out what really happened - what did I do wrong?, where did I not see the mistake coming?, was it really my fault? This is the point where the destination will be determined. The choice you make will either empower you to finish well or not. If you choose to remain stuck in the mess and be pitied, you go nowhere, but choosing to rise after the fall will get you out of the quagmire.

To finish the journey well, we need to understand that a perfect finishing comes to those whose choose to rise, learn from their mistakes, and make amends to it. Hence, the earlier you know who you are, understand the purpose of your existence, the better you will enjoy the journey because you will take positive actions that will empower you to have a perfect finishing.

See you in my next blog. Bye for now.....

All images are from Unsplash

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Written by
1 year ago
Topics: Life, BCH,


The journey of life is full of up and down. I haven't seen a person that succeeds without being touched by the roughness and toughness of life,yeah even he rich.

We are all encouraged to keep firm and never allow the situation to out a stop on the road of success. Finishing well is the koko

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Finishing well is what everyone wish for. If only we can understand and follow the process with a positive mindset that no matter what happens, giving up is never an option. Then a perfect finishing is possible.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It is interesting to know that the journey of life is full of quite some good and odd events. How we manage them defines our true personality.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yeah, very true. Like my mentor will always say, "A champion is not known in the training ground, rather he is known in the ring"

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Interesting. Where did your mentor get that from.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

??? I don't know. And I never cared to ask her. You've given me a task now.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

We have different journey to take but it all have challenges along the way.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You're right. We just have to prepare for what is ahead.

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1 year ago