why this dream come to me? Is it hope of someone from me or just a dream?

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Avatar for Shawon130
2 years ago
Topics: Dream, Hope, Story, Real Life Story, Devil, ...

Hello guys how are you all? Is everything all right? I hope all are well. Today I will share my real life story with you. The topics point is some one hope from me or just a dream. Yeah its a dream which I had seen more than 100 times in my life. lets start the story of my dream with all of you.

we are mankind and we always lots of hope and lots of dream in our life. Nobody can say in their life they don't have any hope or they never seen any dreams. If you just answer yourself I think everybody will answer yes we have hope and dream both.

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If we want to know about this word than we have to describe it with millions of words. But Here I will describe or mention about something general which we can select yeah that's hope. To me hope is related with someone demand or wish or hungry to get something by doing something generally or specially and also it can be a wish to get from others as like gift. Hope can get from others or can give to others or for yourself. If you see this example than you can easily understand this what is hope really? Read the example below to understand better about hope

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Suppose you are a father. Yeah I am telling about my hope to give you realize what hope is that? I have two kids. One daughter and one son. My daughter age is just 8 years and my son age is only 4 years running. I admitted my daughter in Madrasah to learn Islamic study and Quran. she is in class 3 now. When she was in 4 years to 5 years I admitted to her in primary school. But suddenly I felt that I need to give her Islamic study. In primary she can not gain this learning. So 1 year later I admitted her in Madrasah. Its my hope she can learn one day my daughter will learn Islamic study and Quran. Alhamdulillah's she is now in class 3 and learning Islamic study and Quran. Yeah that's the hope of mine that she will complete her study. I hope she can do it.


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wow it's really so sweet words for me to express about it. Dream wow just amazing to see. Someone say it's people imagination or someone say its comes for overthinking or someone say its just your view which you remind in your brain. Different person has different view about dream. But to me dream its your feelings and thinking combination which come to your mind when your body can not work properly and your mind only work. Which you feel or thought before this things will come for few seconds in your mind in sleeping time.

I love to see romantic and good dream. But today I am gonna share a dream which really thinking me always why this dream come to me and what's the main reason of that dream. If I am not wrong from my childhood I saw that same dream more than 100 times above. I will share this with all of you. Its a horror dream. I shared this dream story with my many friends and relatives and my family members also. But still now in 32 years of age I don't get proper answer. Wish my friends from this platform can answer me or describe me about this dream.

My dream:

when I go for sleep I saw this dreams in the middle of night. Like after sleeping 2-4 hours I saw that dream most of the time. Its a forest area where I was walking. Its so normal that in forest has lots of trees. But one tree was to much big and its width was too big. When I was walking I listen a sound behind me. I don't felt nervous. I was walking and moving forward to the big trees. Later I took rest in tree branch.

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But suddenly I saw a girls was running with lots of fear . I asked hey who are you and why are you running? anything wrong? she came to me. I came down from the tree branch. I don't know her or never seen that face before. But she came to me and told me please help me and hold me tight. I took her behind the trees and asked what happen? She said its a devil who was dangerous and running her many years.

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But she also didn't know why devil was running her. When I look forward I saw the devil . Its look so dangerous. It had long hair and looks so scared. But when she came to me and the devil tried to touch her always my dream broke and I wake up.

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I am 32 years old and still now I am searching the final result of it. Why the girls came to me and why the devil attacking and running her? She came to me in my dream it can be her hope that I can rescue her from the devil. Still now I saw the same dream and try to get answer who was that girl or who was the devil or what really want to mention me ? Is really someone have hope from me or its just a dream?

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Thanks all to read that story. I always try to provide and share my real life story . Hope you like it and stay connect with me . You know all how to connect here.

$ 1.10
$ 0.88 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Avatar for Shawon130
2 years ago
Topics: Dream, Hope, Story, Real Life Story, Devil, ...


Wait a min! I didn’t run after any girl! Why should I? Relax brother. Just a dream.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

yeah but why same dream. I am confused for that.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh wow, that was creepy and weird and exciting too.. I really wanna know whether you were able to save her or nahhh or she is working for the devil?? who knows

$ 0.01
2 years ago

i don't know. My dreams always broke in same moment.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Some says, dreams has meaning but I don't know how it get connected to us. I don't know the meaning of any dreams but I hope you figured out the meaning of your dream.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

dream has meaning. But i am searching of my dream meaning.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's straight out of a horror movie. Dreams are really hard to interpret sometimes.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

yes but still now i don't get the answer. More than 20 years I saw same dream.

$ 0.00
2 years ago