Life is a long journey, Keep calm and Be Happy.

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2 years ago

Mankind, Is the great creation of our almighty Allah. Most of the people in this world has trust about our creator. Muslim trust that Allah is our creator and Christian trust that Jesus is their creator or others religious has their own creator as different name. But yes most of the people has faith about creator. We are the top creation in this world.

As we know every creation has its own time to spend in this world. For every mankind creator decided time limit. In this time limit peoples do good or bad works. Who has faith about creator rules they don't like to do bad works. I have faith about my creator and I don't like to do bad work. I trust that I am a guy who came here to spend times in this world. I have to do pray and have to do good work. In my life if I can do good works than people will remind me after my death. It’s my main motive of life don't be panic or greedy about asset. Just lead simple life and enjoy the life by doing good activities.

Anybody can answer accurately what is life?

what is the main motive of your life?

what you need to do in this life?

Do you trust about heaven or hell?

will you pass the exam which are taken by your creator?

Different wishes and Activities:

Here I will share my personal opinion about Life. If anybody ask me what’s the view of life of yours? I will say many trust life is a short journey, sometimes tough to spend or sometimes so easy. But to me if you feel yourself like a wind then life is so easy and beautiful. We are mankind and sometimes we cannot keep patient about our lifestyle. Many people have many demands. Some wants to be rich, some wants to travel the world, some try to do adventure, some like to do crime, some like to do social work, some like to do addiction. Some like to get better job, some searching more business or way, some are engage with addiction with many girls, some likes to play, some like to dance, some like to do song, some likes to do shopping etc.

We are mankind, we have lots of wish and dream. When those wish and dreams don’t come true we people lost our mind and do overthinking and which is really bad for our Mental health. Because as I realize people can enjoy life with less money or less demand or wish but if anyone is in overthinking they life is passing as like hell. If we can think positive, then life will be so beautiful Its life which is a gift from our creator. Creator give us chance to do some better work.

If we can do positive thinking then we can spend good life with our family, friends or relatives or strangers. But for our wish or fulfill others wish we mankind does many wrong things in our life. Many people in this work don’t like to do good work only for their or family demands or wish. They engage themselves with wrong works. But its life and natural rules that one day they can realize they did wrong things. The main motive of life they destroy by themselves only for few wishes. It’s the main matter of our creator who will make this realization to us before death. Who do wrong works don’t think everyone is bad. Evil sometimes show us wrong works and we people sometimes fall in evil trap.

Life is a place where you can be learning many things from different situation. You will fall or face many problems. If you can keep calm and patient yourself success will come in your life and you will be happy. Most of the people has faith about heaven and hell. We mankind trust it that in our life journey if we can do good works and follow the rules of our creator than our creator will gift us heaven after our death. If we do wrong works in our life, then we have to fall in hell. Nobody likes to fall or stay in hell. Every one like to enjoy in their life. So be aware to do wrong things in your life.

Nobody knows they will pass or fail in life journey. But I trust it’s a feeling if we do good activities like prayer, social works, good earning in honest way, give people right advice, donate in orphan or helpless people, donate in institution where students can learn religious subject or others subject etc.

Many wrong works have done by people. When people is out of control or in greedy mode or over dreamer they do many wrong works like addiction, earn money by dishonest way, addiction about more girls, un social activities, speak lie, no prayer etc. Stay out of bad works and delete this from your life. It’s the best suggestion for all of us. Follow the rules of our creator.

If you like to know about me then I will say don’t think too much or don’t demand too much. Because too much is really a bad word which can destroy your happiness. Think simple and stay simple. Hope life is going to be rocking.

My prayer for all Stay happy with your family and friends.

#BeCool #Be Patient #Keeptrust #don’tbegreedy #Don’tlie #speaktruth #Behappy


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Avatar for Shawon130
2 years ago


You are right. I agree with you brother.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

yeah all we need to keep our mind cool in any bad situation. But most of the time we can not control ourselves.

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2 years ago