Reallizing a Dream is more Beautiful than just a Dream

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2 years ago
Topics: Dream, Dreaming, Human, Realize, Time, ...
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Dreaming can be interpreted as having a dream. Dreams can be about anything. Want to have a house, have a car, have a lot of money, and so on.

Surely it's great to dream of everything we don't yet have. As long as there are no rules that limit dreams, everyone can dream anything.

But dreams must come true. If it's just a dream without any action, it's just an empty daydream. So the beauty of the dream is precisely in working hard to get what you desire.

Not forbidden to dream

Everyone can dream anything. As long as the dream is reasonable. Reasonable in the sense that it can be reached with mind, energy, and financial condition.

But sometimes there are people who do not care about these limits. In the end, we call him a reckless person. It doesn't matter, if the determination is still on the right track, it's not the origin of the action without a definite calculation.

Reason for dreaming

What happens if one cannot dream of something? His life must be empty. No fighting power. Though life is an effort to realize the ideals. Well, that ideal is a beautiful dream that must be realized.

And in one's journey to make dreams come true, it can be called the time span of proving human existence. There was a lot of sacrifice there; a matter of time, thought, energy, and material.

Everyone can dream

Because of its universal nature, everyone can dream anything.

Because of this freedom, a person sometimes does not see the ability.

People can hang their dreams as high as the sky, but they must understand that their feet are on the earth. This awareness must be maintained so as not to fall into a dream without the desire to realize it.


Maybe one day we are given a choice about dreams. First, Live for the dream. Second, dream to live.

The correct choice is the second option. That life begins with a dream. In other words, a dream to live.

Dream anything, up to you! But keep in mind, those dreams must be fought for. Life does grow out of consequences. If you don't want to make your dreams come true, then don't dream. Don't make life like a wastebasket where you throw away unproven dreams.

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Avatar for Shaw18
Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Dream, Dreaming, Human, Realize, Time, ...


I dream and try to figure out how to make it into reality. That makes it so satisfying. I love how my dreams turn into reality with my hard work.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yuppp. May your dreams come true my friend. how? that is by working hard.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Truly it is. We cannot gain anything if we will not work hard.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's right, if I compare life without dreams, it's like a glass without water. I think so.

$ 0.00
2 years ago