Mental blocks
I can't do this if I will do that thing this will happen which lead to my insulted in front of people surrounding me. Did you notice that we faced trouble while talking to someone higher than our rank in contrast if we talk to someone below our confidence level of us our tone changed. Why do these things happen? We should be neutral in both ways!
I confronted bundles of mental blocks, by my perceptions, probably all the human faces this issue while interacting with others let me give an example! We as a friend in class communicate well, and listen to each other laughter!
But if a teacher said to give a presentation in front of the whole, some of us start shivering to listen, even if we prepared the topic well still subconscious mind face problems like, "haaa you to speak in front of the class, everyone will starting at you"
These thoughts are so stress-inducing, it's my 7th semester in the university still I faced these issues but now things give me confidence that I completed all such tasks previously and I can do it well based on my experiences but still first few moments, moving from the seat to stage is too much critical for me always, then standing on the stage I can speak more effectively without hesitations.
I think everyone who isn't used to these things suffering from such circumstances because it's not easy to manage things as an introvert! An introvert takes things seriously, is soft-hearted, and can break up into tears more quickly.
Some people face issues in starting a conversation, for them, it's difficult to break the silence and start a conversation with greetings. Yesterday I was walking on the road when I was returning home from the University, a man was standing on the side of the road, I thought I should interact with him, during all this my subconscious mind was like what if you can't able to say hey clearly! After moving a few steps ahead I thought about how dumb I m how the negative energy of my mind dominating on me. Multiple times I faced such issues in class, I want to ask a question to my teacher and then stopped by manipulation of mental block, everyone will laugh if I can't say it clearly or my question will not be good.
On the other hand, many of my fellows whose knowledge base is not for good, but their confidence level is extraordinary, they can say the wrong answer in the class loudly without any hesitation, even if they don't know the answer they interact with the teacher as much as they can which is a good thing, they know how to communicate, in the start, they also not good in communication but they started practicing it will making them perfect with every passing day, a well-told that "the practice leads to perfection"
Closing views:
What I learned is how to break out of mental blocks" be calm and relax, try to communicate with a stranger daily ask about their life you and get a new experience of how they are trying to spread positive vibes, and the last one, practice, practice and practice!
But this should not be the way society is so cruel one should be mentally strong, take things lightly, If someone does bad to you forgot it, and move on, life is so precious don't waste it while responding to every negative comment on your, stay on the track learn innovative things and achieve something worth full.
Thanks for reading!