Add SmartBCH tokens in metamask wallet

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Avatar for Shani59
2 years ago

First thing is the contract address of the specific Smart BCH token, get it from the , smart BCH token scanner or social site copy address from there. Like if you want to add CATS tokens in your metamask smart BCH wallet. Simply you will go to, click on cashcats and copy the address from there.

Than open the metamask wallet click on import Tokens at the button. Paste the address of the Token in place of "Token address" when new interface appears , including token symbol and number of precision. Which automatically filled when you paste the token address there.

In some cases you receive airdrop from the Twitter of smart BCH tokens and you don't have contract address of that specific Smart BCH token. In this case you will copy you metamask wallet address of smart BCH and scan it on:

You just have to paste smart BCH address there and and all the Tokens that you are holding will appear there. There are the three options of 1) information: in which the total balance will appear. 2) Holdings : Number of tokens you are holding on your smart BCH chain. 3) Transaction that you have done either by playing game or by trade on decentralized exchange like benswap, Muesliswap .

Click on holding, then check balance all the tokens that you are holding will appear there. For adding in metamask you just click on specific token. Like I wanna to add honk. I will click on honk, then on the top contract address of honk network will be available. Simply copy from there.

This is how you can add the tokens, even if they are not even listed on, next process is same copy the address for there , go to metamask, below button import Tokens. And paste address there , on place of token contract address, token symbol and number of precision will be added after few seconds by itself.

Closing thoughts

When I was new in smart BCH , I faced much trouble when I received an airdrop and don't know how to check it out where it is actually present and how can I watch in my metamask wallet? Where the contract address? . As a beginner we all have to face many issue even on small things, but its one's own journey of life and he himself have to deal with it.

$ 1.51
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Avatar for Shani59
2 years ago


It's really helpful for those who have not proper knowledge about SmartBCH

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2 years ago