Freedom and Support for success

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2 years ago

If you are given the freedom to do something for a good cause and you have somebody to support you for this cause - what would be your choice?

A strong nation is developed by a group of intellects. But these intellects prefer to go abroad for a better future!!! The reason being simple. No freedom to express their views, the fear of being exploited and no one to support or respect their values, in their own country.

Those are fortunate people who dream for a purpose and finally succeed to reach the desired destination. Not easy to win your dreams unless you work hard and someone to push you from behind.

There are peoples who can make wonders but due to insecurity and fear - fear of what people talk, fear of losing someone or something treasured, fear of public reactions , fear of unnecessary imagination & expectations as such.......stops them from further exploration. On the contrary if there is someone to support and respect his values, he will sure make wonders.

If you wish to reach your destination, you need to get the freedom - freedom of approach, freedom to execute, freedom to win and reach what you aim for. Once you get the freedom, we have to wait for the right opportunity. They say opportunity knocks only once at your door, so grab the opportunity and make the best use of it.

There is another set of capable people whose ideas are being suppressed - suppressed by the people of same calibre, for fear of their stability in the same position. In other words, a bit envious. Only people with strong will power can reach success. When ever there is a support to uplift you, no matter where you are or what you are, your achievements is all set to reach its peak.

Work never stops.....all of us run from pillar to post to make a living. Instead of letting an able person down, why don't we give a helping hand and raise him. We will definitely reap from what we sow.

Thanks for reading! Lead image googled.

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2 years ago


In an ideal world, we should all be helping each other achieve their truest potential. Sadly, Pandora's box has been opened and greed, jealousy and all that is among us.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Ha! !Ha Interesting answer

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Let ourselves be free from fear because we are born fearless. By that, we will be closer to our dreams if we have strong determination to achieve our goals.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Exactly friend

$ 0.00
2 years ago