Water color tricks

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Written by
4 years ago

Water color's pigments are mixed properly which makes the color really smooth. Whenever you use it, you will fall in love with this color. But, before that you have to learn how to use it properly. You can say there’s a few rules to follow.


  1. Use a really soft brush. If your brushes are not soft, the color you are using will not sit properly on paper.

  2. Use clean water to wash you brush. You can use two bowls of water, wash two times in there bowls. So your painting will be neat and clean.

  3. You MUST use thick and rough paper like hand made papers. If you ordinary paper, it will absorb the water and the color will fade away.

  4. You have to give different washes. So what is wash? It's nothing else but use water with brush on water. It will help the color sit properly.

  5. Try to draw from up to down.

  6. Don’t rush. Have patients and keep practising.

Soft brushes are MUST
The upper one is on ordinary paper. And the other one is on handmade paper. See the difference.

The rest is up to you! No one can teach you water color unless you practice on your own. Grain experiences by painting and make mistakes. You will learn to draw throughout your mistakes.

N.B. - I have used my photos. So I will be happy if you give me a thumbs up ❤

Stay safe. Happy painting ❤

You can follow my Facebook page- https://www.facebook.com/SetuandArtHok/

$ 0.78
$ 0.78 from @Zawad
Avatar for Setu
Written by
4 years ago


Painting is my love and this looks so wow I'll definitely try this thanks a lot🙏💕

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Best of luck! Break a leg! ❤

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I do already knew this. But thanks for sharing. Others art fans will like it too .

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yes they are just basics. As you knew them already, I think you draw great stuffs. 🌼

$ 0.00
4 years ago