Secure Your Future. It ls Important.

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2 years ago
15th February 2022. From Seniorman

There's no disputing the fact that each and every human being is having the tendency of growing older and be a father in life and become an adult. It is one thing to become an adult physically and mentally , it i s another aspect of life to perfectly secure it. To secure it is to prepare for adulthood in many ways than one. Though only God Almighty reserves the right to secure one's life from any intrusion either temporarily or permanently. Be that as it may , you are not expected to fold your arms and be watching how God is working his miracle out and you making no contribution. There are several things one can do to secure one's life. The following are some of the things you can do on your own to secure it nicely.

Embrace education . There's a need for one to show liking for education. It is highly beneficial for one to read and get to a reasonable standard. One can choose any likeable course and have it at the back of your mind that you may finish and secure job or may not be able to secure job at all. Cultivate right attitude to life. The moment you are able to complete your education , minimally , University Education , you are liberated. What you are having at hands is effective tools to explore and achieve some other things you are having in mind. Education makes life secure and assured. Talk of any career your spoken English is highly important brush it up to fit into any position of authority in life.

Equally important, there is a need for saving and investment for the future which one can fall back on after some time . Though one is not saying here that one should expose him/herself to austere time, but there is a strong need to invest ones hard earn peanuts in to the shares of companies that are having much significance for the future. There was a time when shares of Multinational organizations like MTN was advertised and made public for people to invest in , though , it has closed on the stream of initial public offer , yet , one can still go for it if contact is made with competent registered Stock brokers. One should not relent in one's effort to carry on with one 's life , though , some people may disagree with this but it is fetching money and highly reliable for the future.

On the go. SmartBch , NFT are also good based on what I read from various Authors and Competent writers. The issue is that one should not forget totally to secure oneself from vagaries of the future. Something that one can fall back on when the arises.

As one is guiding the aspect of Finances , one should take a good care of oneself medically. There's a need for constant check and cross-checking of medical status at all times. A visit to confirm and competent registered hospital to know one's health status should not be seen as pure wasting of time but a way to secure one's future. There's nothing one can do without good health. There's a popular saying that health is wealth. This saying is true to life. Embrace medical consultations for the overall benefits of one's life. Local mixture of Herbs is also good for the overall benefits of life as a whole. Track this mixture on the internet and avail yourself with right opportunity of reading this from competent Authors who are specialists in this direction. Nobody is MR KNOW ALL. Knowledge is Continuum and highly dynamic. Have it at the back of your mind that life is dynamic , therefore , human beings too must be dynamic. Health is wealth please. Manage it well.

The last but not being the least, remember your Creator at all times. Converse with him for the overall development of your life through prayer and fasting. Pick a day for this out of seven days in a week. This is very important. One mistake that we make always is that we don't confide in our Creator. The holy Bible make is to remember that we should remember our God on our youthful days when trouble and calamities have not come. It is unforseen mighty power with deft and magnificent calculation who knows the end from the beginning , kindly embrace him. You are destined for the top. Have a nice wonderful day ahead of you today.

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Images From Unsplash. Thanks Immensely.

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2 years ago


Indeed my friend. We must prepare our future coz we don't know what happened after many years of living.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You have really said a whole lot here and it's true that we have to secure a future because that's only what we've got to meet after our present life. It's better to enjoy later than now cus it'll last better

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2 years ago