Read.Cash Evidently Poised For Writers ' Rejuvenation And Societal Transformation .

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2 years ago

Going into archives yesterday I read so many interesting articles that touched on so many interesting subject areas. So many writers wrote articles who were so magnificent and Insightful as far back as two years ago and they were duely tipped and some of them are still very much around and still waxing stronger under the umbrella of Read.Cash. What I have come to observe is that each and every article written were attached with tips one after the other and those articles were increasing in number by the day up till this present moment. Infact , I was encouraged by what I saw and I have come to the realization that this Organization called Read.Cash , infact this platform is founded and being sponspored to rejuvenate many moribund but highly talented writers on this great platform for good and for the betterment of the society. This prompted me to write this article and to show that this platform is unique and awesome. Truth must be told that am eternally motivated beyond measure that those that are forerunners in the art of writing are richly blessed and superbly appreciated.

This great platform is a community of the learned , apology to my Lawyer Colleagues , where you have the great opportunity to learn and get equipped to learn the more. Learners exist here , no matter the level of your academic attainment you would still find out that there are others who still see things differently from your perspective. Even when you write on the same topic ,you will still discover that so many ideas would still spring up and express differently from your own point of view. This is a pointer to the fact that here is a learning centre where learning flow like a moving water , it continues unending and catches the attention of those who cares to listen and observe with right frame of minds. This is a great learning manifestation centre. It is a centre for the determined -mind and a disciplined body where you are opportuned to strategize and articulate what you are naturally made of and exhibit it to the outside World and take a good position to explore your world to the fullest . This is a Learners -focussed community where you are greatly appreciated for learning , for sharing what you have learnt and for remaining and maintaining your presence in a learning environment. This is a great opportunity for all learners in the World to rally round the organisation to continuing to be waxing stronger. This can be done by churning out quality ideas for this generation and the generation yet unborn.

If a writer had been writing consistently and Effectively for the past two years and above nonstop , and you have been greatly motivated monetarily all along since then till now , then you must by now have become a Guru. Writers develop over time and within a space of time must have been rejuvenated and reinvigorated exceedingly and greatly become an exemplar extraordinary. Motivation plays a significant role in the life of a writer. It makes him/her to dig deep and researched thoroughly to make him a better person as far as writing is concerned. There is no better way to ginger a writer than for him to be motivated and appreciated in a little form. This motivation brings the best out of a man because what propels human beings to greater actions reside in him. Just like a moving train or vehicle , it's propeller is in it not outside it , therefore the moment an engine is internally motivated through inclusion of gear oil and new spare parts , the engine is compelled to run optimally with great speed. The moment an hunger is zeroed out of poverty , the poverty is finished . When poverty is zeroed out of a man not only in terms of Economic value alone , possibly poverty of ideas , poverty of values , poverty of thinking ,the writer becomes a new person with greater commitment and dedication.

It is a happy thing to note that Read. Cash has been ever committed to the rejuvenation of many writers since then till now. Articles written about two years ago are ever fresh and evergreen. It is a form of motivation for we incoming writers , we green horns , we just join writers . It is a good thing to note that am being blessed beyond expectations through the reading of these wonderful articles. The euphoria going on in my mind cannot be quantified. I have been greatly exposed to everlasting talent that blossom and becoming bigger at every inch of opportunity. How can I be blessed beyond words if not for me to have seen how those in front of this great platform had been greatly appreciated for their work. If writers had in the past been appreciated like that am very sure the world would not have been like this. Writers were greatly abused and discouraged in the past. This is disheartening and reprehensible. Many brains had been misused for maiming innocent souls , killing for no just cause , scamming millions of people , hoodwink millions of people into perplexity. This is so sad. I must swiftly come to realization that is wonderfully standing on the rock of Gibraltar where thousands of people are being remoulded , revitalized , reengineered to make our society a better place for all of us to live in.

Our society is better for it. The idea permanently implanted by the founders of Read.Cash would go a long way to eject many souls out of poverty. In fact it would usher in many souls into affluence and riches. Many souls are millionaires in Bitcoin cash today. Where were they yesterday. They were nobody yesterday. Thanks go to the founders of this wonderful platform. You are a World Leader. You Deserve to be awarded Prize for building a transformed society. Those that were nobody yesterday ate today Very Important Personality Today. We upcoming writers are genuinely built. I wrote plenty of articles while in the University for our Press Club , nobody appreciated us. Thank God for the appreciation am receiving today. Am part of the Societal Transformation Agenda of the Read.Cash. Am part of the Society that had been wonderfully transformed beyond measure.

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2 years ago
