Invest In Farming. To Stamp Out Hunger And Starvation.

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2 years ago
19th February 2022. From Seniorman

Farming is a primary production that deals with nature. Because it deals with nature , everyone has the undeniable opportunityto go into it and have impacts. Farming creates avenue for one to make an impact . It is a matter of creating interest in it and invest in it and make a way out of it for the benefit of mankind. Though it is pertinent on our part to choose either to go subsistence or commercial.

Subsistence Farming

Farming under this category involves raising of crops for the purpose of feeding Oneself together with One's family members and possibly store the rest for raining days. Without having the intention of selling the rest but only for the upkeep of the family.

Commercial Farming

This involves raising of crops purposely for commercial purposes. In this regard , this is done with the intention of raising crops for selling to the outside world.

Investment In Farming.

This is actually for commercial purposes that involves some capital outlay in which one is required to Mass produce crops for the generality of the people. Though it can be done on either small scale or large scale.

Small Scale Investment In Farming.

This type involves application of small capital outlay and generates produce capable of feeding sizeable number of people , here it is graduation from subsistence farming and quantity therefrom is far larger than feeding ones immediate family members.

Approach : 1. Hiring Of Land where Personal Land is not available.

2. Preparing Lands for Farming through Hiring Of Tractors To Plough Land In Readiness For Planting Season.

3. Hiring Of Planters / Human Labourers To Plant Hectares Of Land.

4. Provision For Seedlings.

5. Actual Plànting .

6. Application Of Fertilizers

7. Weeding.

8 . Maintenance And Harvesting.

Large Scale Farming.

This involves planting of crops for the sole purpose of selling in large quantity to the outside world.. This no doubt is done with a view to easing out hunger and starvation from our lands

Government Intervention :

It is the duty of government to make provision for caterpillars , tractors , harvesters , and grant undeniable access to it by all potential farmers.

Creation Of Shilohs.

The produce from the farm must be allowed to be sold at discounted rate through the intervention of the government. The rest thereafter is bought from the farmers and kept in the government created Shilohs across the country.

Hunger And Starvation.

Hunger and Starvation no doubt have eaten deep into our bone marrow. As am writing , there are some people who had not eaten at all today due to one reason or the other. Hunger And Starvation is commonly happening in all areas today. It is being experienced in varying degrees and dimensions. It is a bad and ugly development in the socio cultural aspects of human growth , extension and development. It is a situation where there's little or no food to eat and to share . Where this is happening no good is available to grub and digest. An extremely bad situation where food production has been extremely hampered. It is better imagined than being described .

Causes Of Hunger And Starvation.

Poverty is one of the factors that is responsible for hunger. When there is no money to afford basic things of life including food , hunger would set in. Where there's no money ,to buy food may pose a great challenge. Poverty is a situation where money is not available to afford even a simplest thing of life. Poverty poses a great challenge to people at the lower rung of the ladder of life. Unless poverty is stamped out of the system.

War can create hunger and starvation may follow when farmers are not allowed to carry out their activities on regular basis due to attack on them on their farmlands.. This would lead to shortage of food crops as a result of incessant attack on farmers.

Government Must Provide Security For Lives And Properties.

Government must ensure that security is guaranteed for farmers on their lands so that foods can be made to reach all nooks and crannies be it in the Rural Areas And in the Urban Centres across the country and the outside world.

Investment In Farming: Solution To Hunger And Starvation.

This investment In Farming goes along way in solving problem posed by hunger And Starvation on people.

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2 years ago


You are definitely right sir . I think you idea on investing on farming is accurately correct . But the government should also help in raising funds to start this business

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2 years ago