Tomorrow Starts From Yesterday

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When I was a kid, I used to ask myself when I was in primary school. Why did my father say that so often? I couldn't find a logical answer. When I reached middle school age, my curiosity increased even more and one day I asked him directly. I was so moved by what he told me that I still remember it word for word.

“Look son, listen!” he had begun. “Yesterday-today-tomorrow is the inseparable trinity of time reality. Triplet siblings or triplets who go arm in arm in endless time travel... Even though they are inseparable and inseparable, all three have a different value. That's why we should consider each one both together and separately.

The positive and logical steps we took yesterday enable us to spend our day properly. We cannot ignore yesterday. Yesterday is not separate from today. The positive and negative steps we take today and the decisions we make also shape our future. So think before anything you do. Make a good plan. Then take a step and do everything on time!.. That is the secret of life, my son!..”

As I got older, I understood more deeply the philosophy of life that my father put into these two or three words. It has become my indispensable principle in both my business and social life. I am grateful to him!..

In fact, human beings do not have equal resources other than time. Time is a scarce resource. Once consumed, there is no chance to be consumed again. Time is an immeasurable eternity. We cannot change the past, but we can learn lessons. The more lessons we can take and the more we can educate ourselves, the more we live the next moment without regret. The steps we take today, the plans we make, the decisions we make reveal the picture of tomorrow.

I can't remember the source, “One day is worth two tomorrows. The saying, "He who has two equal days, has a lost day" reflects a simple truth. “Today” is the current time period we still have. “Tomorrow” is an imagined now. It is our mind's projection of the future. Today we have to do better than yesterday and tomorrow we have to do even better.

People always want to progress, to be renewed, to learn new things. He often finds it difficult to take the first step. We can never move forward without taking the first step, we count where we are. Life is difficult. It's getting harder and harder. But the beautiful thing is the generosity of giving the chance to take the first step every day, every moment. This is a gift to us.

A book we read can change our lives. A piece of theater that we will watch can draw a new path to our thoughts. A phone call we receive can be a harbinger of an important relationship. An apology we say makes a heart. A conference we attend, a question we will ask, a knowledge we will gain can open new doors to our lives.

These are always the first steps. It comes back. We do not know where it will take us or what stages it will lead us to. With these steps, we gain rich experiences, and sometimes we reach opportunities that we could not even imagine. Before the first step, it is a mistake to be frozen with fear, in indecision. We should know that God helps every servant who takes bold steps, works, and wants to progress. As long as he is good and right.

As long as we live, we are presented with many possibilities. Hayat said, "Here's your chance. Think, use your mind and take action. Work, strive, find the way to new possibilities,” he says. If we do not realize these possibilities, think about them and take the first step, the opportunity will fly away.

Every step we can't take, every time wasted brings unhappiness and distracts us from our goals. Man tends to belittle small steps. That's why the first steps are perhaps very difficult... The saying "Beginning is half of finishing" is the most accurate expression of this truth.

Unfortunately, our people have the "Procrastination" feature. We must accept it, become conscious of it, overcome it and change it. “Yesterday” is experience and “Today” is yesterday's student. If we have learned the right lesson from yesterday, we will gain new knowledge and experience today. You can't delete yesterday, you can write tomorrow, today is an opportunity, use it!..

We must not forget, the earth is three days; yesterday, today, tomorrow... In these three days, a person is presented with 24 hours or 1440 minutes every morning. It is a gift. Most of the time we don't know the value of it. Just as we do not know and forget the value of the breath we take, the water we drink, the nature we live in...

Every minute, every hour is an opportunity for us, for humanity, for the world, to do good, correct and beneficial works, to produce and to find innovations. He who sheds sweat for humanity illuminates both his own future and the future of humanity.

I would like to end my article with the words of a thinker:

Don't say you will do it tomorrow, you will do it tomorrow! Today was yesterday's tomorrow, what could you do?

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