Our Memories and Memorial Trees

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Throughout history, forests have been more than just tree communities, they have also been residential areas for people. People hunted in the forests, set up camps, rested and made a place for their pleasant moments. Each of us experiences such moments in our memories over and over again.

Let's also remember that there are many trees and forests that we remember from the novels we read, the stories, the movies we watch, and that adorn our dreams; The English folk hero Robin Hood lived in the trees with his men and led a joyful life that fell into the hearts of the people.

Are we looking for trees with thick branches parallel to the ground for our swing?!. Isn't the first boat we boarded or the primitive raft we crossed on the river a gift of trees to us?

Aren't these "Memorial Trees", each of which has entered our lives in one way or another, also the "Monument Trees" of our dreams and memories?!.

Today, gum trees still live like a monument with their roots protruding from the ground on the streets of Moda district and on the slope of the swing backs.

Although I refer to it as a "Monumental Tree", it is not easy for every memory tree to become a "Monumental Tree". Just being old is not enough. It must have left its mark on history, contributed to the local culture and have aesthetic characteristics. In other words, not every old tree is a monumental tree.

All nature, with its tree, soil, water and air, was created for us to sustain our lives. Just as we protect our existence, the future of our children, and our country, protecting the whole nature, especially trees, is saving our future.

It is stated that the number of people who visit forests for rest and mental health in Germany is 40 times more than those who visit city museums. Based on this example, let's take concrete steps to protect our trees. I hope our thoughts don't get stuck in lines and they are just memories.

May they continue their existence with all their magnificence, not only in our bees, but also in our world, which lives as "monumental trees".

$ 2.45
$ 2.44 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.01 from @Alther


Green plants are very Essential for the survival of mankind. They facilitate the production of more oxygen and as such helps to reduce the rate of global warming in the World.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Of course, it is very important to protect nature and protect greenery. I think this is a very important task for us.

$ 0.00
2 years ago