Multicultural Life

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Mankind has not come to the level of civilization today by easy means, by crossing the plains. Hills, dead ends and mysterious turns have always appeared in front of him. In short, it was necessary to overcome the problems first.

About 70 thousand years ago, humankind, combining the ability to use "Language" with the power of "Thought", gained the ability to shape both nature and itself. This is the beginning of the culture of thought and communication. One of the characteristics of human beings is that they are "culture bearers" and this feature makes them unique.

Culture is the sum of the material and spiritual values, all artistic activities, customs and traditions, beliefs, products transferred from generation to generation, and the sum of the characteristics of a nation. It is a way of life!.. It is knowledge, moral laws, education and habits. The justice system is its language, its legends plus its philosophy. It's science, it's folklore.

The influence or power of culture is clearly reflected in our temporary and permanent relationships in the structure of our daily life. In one's life, working hours, educational stages, preparation plans for the next day, relationships during this time, and direct reflections of culture in the events experienced are seen. While listening to music, having fun, resting, on the road, shopping, the environment that surrounds us, our relationships, our behavior style and the language we use are directed by our culture.

Culture is relative... Culture is accumulation, history... Culture is man-made and not static... Culture is everything that humans cannot find ready in nature but adds to nature... Culture is a world that will provide a comfortable environment for one's own home.

Culture directs personal behaviors and gives identity to society. It deepens and enriches the sense of solidarity and unity of the society.

Until the 2000s, culture took place within this spectrum that I drew. In the past, there were different cultures. But people were more tolerant, more loving and understanding. Nowadays, the world has shrunk, but individual people's worlds have grown. There are so many possibilities, lifestyles to be preferred, ways to go and goals that people do not know how to deal with options, which norms and measures to use, and have difficulty in overcoming them.

In today's world, all kinds of cultures, religions, beliefs, languages ​​and social structures are intertwined. It is impossible to separate one from the other. In our globalizing world, monocultural, introverted societies are incapable of preserving their existence. Because they cannot renew themselves. Sooner or later, they fall under the influence of advanced and developed cultures, and disappear within them by shrinking and losing value.

As a result, it is no longer possible for societies to remain monocultural. Communication is the most important factor in the development of culture and the progress of civilization. Our world is now in the process of creating all cultural values, the common cultural values ​​of all humanity by "melting them in a pot".

Within the scope of multiculturalism; Universal culture, national culture, regional culture or local culture, which we call "Civilization", are the main topics. Multiculturalism leads to cultural relativism. According to this understanding, the lifestyle of each group is a culture and each is of equal value as a culture.

The view that "the world belongs to all humanity" is becoming widespread. Indeed, opportunities such as the internet and facebook; The incredible progress of transportation vehicles, technology, the spread of "migration" waves, the influence of the media has turned the world into a small town.

Globalization is our common and absolute destiny. Adapting to a multicultural life as a result of globalization is an inevitable way, a line. The first reason for the rapid development of the phenomenon of globalization is the MEDIA.

The world of radio, television, film somehow dictates to us through the virtual environment our identities, our sense of self, our being male or female, the cornerstones that make up our privilege and us. The media also provides pedagogical education. What is being a man or a woman and what is not? It teaches. It gives moral education. What is good and bad, what is not?

It creates our daily life. What is fashion? It tells us how to become popular and how to succeed. We create a common culture thanks to media stories and guiding tips. Media culture offers perspectives, behaviors, thoughts, identities that will help us make sense of the world. Today's societies see with the eyes of the media and hear with their ears. As long as these directions are humane, universal, nature-friendly, in favor of freedom and not discriminatory, no one can object.

The second reason is the phenomenon of Immigration. Regardless of the reason for migration, the cultures of the societies that receive and emigrate social, political or economic are affected by each other. Interaction is inevitable and comes with multiculturalism. If there is harmony between cultures, there is no problem. However, it is not easy to solve problems in case of conflict. Governments of receiving countries must find ways to quickly adapt public opinion to multicultural life. It has been accepted by many examples from all over the world that the exclusion of immigrants from the society has very bad results and that it is not possible to dissolve the immigrants in the new society culture in which they live. Immigrants must make genuine and well-intentioned efforts to integrate them socio-economically in their new home country.

Any economic, social and political problem that people face cannot be solved alone, without thinking about other people and without making a global assessment.

In the light of these, the question that needs to be answered is; How will people from different cultures live together in peace and harmony? Democratic political idealism expects us to respect our differences, to have the desire to argue over them, to show the ability to accept the other person's opinion if he or she thinks more right than we do. Societies that defend the freedom and equality of all people develop and rise by respecting cultural differences and accepting that there are "good and right ways of thinking and knowledge to learn" from each other.

And the future of humanity is hidden in the understanding of sharing the blessings of the world without destroying it!..

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