Sometimes when God asked us to do something, it's always feel like doing what God asked us to do is a crazy thing because it surpassed our senses. Such is what happened to Abraham with God when God asked him to sacrifice his only son Isaac to him as a sacrifice. You wondered why God will do that, even though Abraham didn't bulge and it was counted to him as faith. When we seek for the blessings of Abraham, are we also operating in the same realm as he did. The bible made us to understand that without faith, no one can please God.
The story of Abraham with his son Isaac has always rather been an adventure fill with many spiritual lessons christians need nowadays. Some people disobey God today because what he asked them to do surpassed to their senses and they thought it was nonsense, like how Jesus asked some people at the wedding to pour water into the jar of wine and serve it around like wine. It takes some level of spiritual reasoning to operate in the spiritual realm.
God is not an author of confusion, he asked that Isaac be sacrificed not because he wants to but because he wanted to test the faith of Abraham. Isaac was the most precious gift to Abraham not anything else. At that time, Isaac was the only son of his father and that's automatically an heir to the inheritance. This is also a lesson to us, are you withholding that that seems precious to you even if God asked you to sacrifice it for him.
Many of us love our money more than God, when God asked us to help the poor or pay our tithe, we are often stingy with our money saying we worked hard for it, really? Before God bless you with money, he will test you first to prove your loyalty and maturity in handling the wealth. Many of us have failed God's test often and often.
Abraham walked silently with Isaac even though the odds are all against him. Isaac even as little as he was then had to asked his father some mind blowing questions, he queried his father about the animal to be used for sacrifice since there is firewood already. What did Abraham said, he said "God will provide". That's a statement of hope. God loves it when we surrendered ourselves as weak creatures before him, not banking on our strength but his. Hope is a great virtue we all need to have as christians. Sometimes life just bring us some challenges and affliction but we should always have our hope in God that all will be well for us. Many people run away from God when they are in problems instead of running to God. God is still capable yesterday, today and forever. You just have to build your relationship with him, let him be the Lord and Savior of your life.
Abraham is a father of faith, he was called God's friend because he understand God and vice versa. Even when the holy spirit has not been promised, Abraham took his stand with God, he didn't let anything or anyone hold him down. He demonstrated his great faith in many incredible ways. He left his father land even when there's no specific place he was going, he was just moving in accordance to God's instructions. Imagine someone tell you to get away from your father's land and just be going to a place which was not described to you, won't you be hesitant in the first place, will you even go?
Abraham had great faith in God that he didn't murmur when God asked him to do the impossible.
Cast all your fears in God, believe him even if it's hard for you to do so. God is more knowledgeable than us in words that cannot be imagined or described. He is the one that already ordained our path even before we were born. God is God, he won't disappoint you. Just trust him with all your heart. Peace.
WOW nice