Can't Spell Culture without the Cult; A synopsis of the BCH experience

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Avatar for SeanBallard
4 years ago

Culture is extremely important, & very real, as much as we may love to poo-poo our own cultures & label as cliche.

Culture is the reason many users/contributors provide when answering "Why BCH?"

It's a culture of voluntary transactions, which is demonstrably proven to facilitate peace & prosperity.

It's gotten me to the point of, can cults be good? Is there a good dogma?

If someone dogmatically follows the NAP is that a good thing?

I think it is great as a placeholder program, until critical, independent, free thinking leads them to understand that, the NAP is the most moral principle to follow across life, and attains the self-ownership & agency that is lauded amongst Libertarian types & serves as the kernel of the philosophy which sprung from the Enlightenment.

Additionally, we are in a world of followers. We are biologically social creatures who seek a chief to lead & protect. Forfeiting us from the immense difficulty of critically thinking, dealing with problems, creating solutions, & bearing the consequences. Further, simply protecting the ego from exerting effort, being vulnerable, making a mistake & feeling inadequate.

That said, until said people seeking this arrive at some agency & responsibility, there is power in numbers & having those who haven't realized their own agency yet, seeing & supporting the mission of Bitcoin Cash as a tool for freedom. A tool for exercising our Self-Evident & inalienable rights. No need for permission from a Gov't, corporation, payment processor, or bank. The only permission required coming from two consenting parties transacting voluntarily. P2P Electronic Cash for the World. Censorless. Your existence & faculties (life & liberty) serve as permission enough. This is what make BCH the ultimate tool for liberty. Allowing adults to express their inalienable rights as humans that are born free & sovereign. Not serfs for covert overlords in State Gov't.

PS it's worth noting, I don't think criticizing & bashing other coins is an attractive method for shining the BCH light. Seeking to first understand, why people created & use such a coin, is always a disarming first step which allows for open & honest discussion.

$ 0.21
$ 0.10 from @ekrem
$ 0.10 from @Bit_Faced
$ 0.01 from @Graysoda
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Avatar for SeanBallard
4 years ago
