Are We There Yet? Perhaps!

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2 years ago

That children's refrain we parents of the young are familiar with rings in my head near daily, reminding me of the encroaching tyranny by our world governments. "Are we there yet? Not yet. Are we there yet? Not yet. Are we there yet?" Not totally yet..., but we are gradually being enslaved, and things are increasingly becoming more dictatorial.

Unlike another children's sing-a-long, "Sharing is Caring", our governments don't care a wicked spit about us and moreover do not like to share the wealth, but rather are experts at accumulating it. However, it must be admitted that overall, we the people are the ones who are guilty of falling prey to the powerful heads of government, their sycophant lackeys, and the wealthy elite who are calling the shots. Why?

Perhaps the French philosopher Etienne de La Boetie answered the why best: “Plays, farces, spectacles, gladiators, strange beasts, medals, pictures, and other such opiates, these were for ancient peoples the bait toward slavery, the price of their liberty, the instruments of tyranny. By these practices and enticements the ancient dictators so successfully lulled their subjects under the yoke, that the stupefied peoples, fascinated by the pastimes and vain pleasures flashed before their eyes, learned subservience as naively, but not so creditably, as little children learn to read by looking at bright picture books.”

Wow, Monsieur!

Guilty as charged

Are you guilty of any of these vain pleasures that direct your attention elsewhere than where our contemporary problems really lie in wait to swallow our freedoms? I certainly am, though to a much lesser rather than greater extent.

I used to be very big on watching sports, until whiners, crybabies, Karen's and socialists began taking a knee in protest before and after the game. It wasn't long before I cancelled my NHL and NFL season tickets, stopped watching the weak NBA, and turned off the television, that century-old virus and opiate of the masses.

Losing the battle

With each passing day, we learn of new limitations on our rights: free speech, due process, privacy and a government that neglects to represent us. Some of you may have never had these rights because you were birthed with a yoke around your neck. Maybe you have known nothing else but oppression.

For most of us, we are guilty of voting in legitimate, American Psychiatric Association (APA) certified psychopaths into leadership roles in our countries. After all, it is primarily narcissists who are attracted to the spotlight like moths to a light on summer evenings. They claim to represent the people but actually represent corporations and self-interests. Prove me wrong.

As James Long notes, "When psychopaths capture positions of power the result is totalitarianism, also known as pathocracy" (Long, 2014).


Everywhere one looks there is considerable evidence of totalitarianism. While it has been noticeable, and one could argue increasingly so since the 9/11 events in Manhattan, and President Bush's response with his war on terror and the Patriot Act, the global pandemic has been one of the novel ruses to stifle the freedoms of the masses by enacting draconian restrictions by way of medical tyranny.

The facts

The seasonal flu and mosquitoes kill more people annually than the respiratory virus known as Covid-19. But the flu has conveniently disappeared. How could this be?

And why did governments impose such harsh restrictions on our freedoms over a virus, which does exist, but hasn't been isolated, and which has an exceptionally high rate of survival at around 99.8 percent?

Furthermore, why are social media platforms and other media outlets stifling speech by removing people from their sites or deleting relevant arguments that go against the narrative and are labelled as fake news? And why are they allowed to print and speak fake news while some of us are imprisoned for it?

Fighting back

The globalists were too hasty in their decision making and implementation of worldwide restrictions. Those of us with a keen eye on history and the creeping pathocracy over the last few decades were onto their chess game.

We spoke up, wrote articles, made videos and refuted the bogus claims of their kind of science, which continues to be the antithesis of real science. We have been demonetized from You Tube and/or banned, but have been resurrected on #Odysee (where we earn crypto), #Banned Video, #Rumble (more crypto) and #Gab, all relatively new media platforms that are eating away at You Tube's revenue and thus avoiding cancel culture.

Those of us who truly care about our freedoms need to continue to speak up and resist the globalists and their plans to rule over us like dictators. No longer should we bend a knee in subservience to evil.

Yes, we will be persecuted, silenced on mainstream platforms, but we are always able to make new accounts, new emails and look to alt media where the truth exists.

As it stands now, we are slipping further and further into the rabbit hole of authoritarianism. We must join hearts, minds and hands together to thwart the plans (for as long as we can) of these satanic taskmasters, or else we will wake up in a utopia not of our liking.

Conversely, you and others can sit idly by and be "fascinated by the pastimes and vain pleasures" that distract you and lead you to an eventual yoke, a yoke for the masses, a yoke that will strangle your freedoms. Wake up!


Long, J. G. (2014). The road to pathocracy. American Thinker. Accessed from

$ 6.27
$ 3.48 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 2.44 from @MarielB22
$ 0.35 from @RazorFist
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Avatar for Scotty17
2 years ago


I made $8 on Odysee. Not much but better than watching YT and getting paid zip.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Yeah, the price dropped big time from 35 cents. A of a couple of hours ago it was 4 cents. I don't plan for it to make too much headway but it is a lot better than You Sloob and is gaining more people and videos daily.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Good one. I also keep harping on the tyranny enveloping the world. Like you mentioned, the majority of people are so caught up in their pleasures and have their heads buried in the sand.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sad state of affairs when you ruminate on it. I've begun stockpiling certain food items. I believe we will see food shortages in the near future.

$ 0.00
2 years ago