This Poem is dedicated to our sponsors specially @MarcDeMesel , who had a lot of contribution in the fund.
I think you're really special,
I just want you to know,
This platform has been amazing,
Your generosity inspires more authors.
You've done so much for us,
You made us smile and happy.
After such an announcement,
@Read.Cash : Huge thanks to @MarcDeMesel !
Thank you isn't enough,
But there's one thing you should know,
You symbolize generosity.
You give blessings to us,
Yet you don't expect something in back.
I'm not that good in poetry, but @MarcDeMesel and @Read.Cash really gave me an inspiration to keep on writing. It's not just about @MarcDeMesel , but I want to thank all the sponsors who keeps on giving fund to this great platform.
I wish you all to be safe from any danger, be healthy, and stay negative in COVID-19.
May your own God, bless your soul ♥
Nice poem ..