Breaking COVID-19 Myths

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4 years ago

As the 2019 Novel Coronavirus known as COVID-19, threatens to infect almost one-third of our global population, misinformation and misconceptions can lead to unnecessary fear and threat to your overall health.

Below are some of them which is a myth, and we should know the fact about it.

Myth #1: Spraying yourself with alcohol will kill the virus immediately.

Fact: Although alcohol can be used to disinfect your skin, they still can't kill the virus once it goes through inside your body.

Myth #2: Hand Sanitizers are much better than soap and water.

Fact: Soap and water with proper hand washing is more effective in removing certain kinds of viruses and germs than hand sanitizers.

Myth #3: A face mask will strongly protect you from COVID-19

Fact: People that wear face mask are more likely to touch their own face and may get a high risk of catching the virus.

Wear face mask properly and wash your hands regularly.

Myth #4: If you hold your breath for 10 seconds without coughing or discomfort, every morning, it means that you don't have COVID-19.

Fact: The best and accurate way of knowing if you are a bearer of virus is thru laboratory tests. You won't be able to confirm it just by any breathing exercises, which can be even dangerous to your health.

All of us must be aware that not everything and not all of the things that we saw on the internet are true. Some of them are misleading information that might lead you into something much worse.

You should research first before believing something that has no proof.

Stay safe, everyone! Observe social distancing and proper hygiene.

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Written by
4 years ago


Nice Subscribe back

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Please can you correct some typos in your article. If not, we have to remove it again from the community.

In Myth #2 "...washing is more effective..." not"much". In Myth #3 "touch"not "touche" Instead of "... and increase the risk of catching the virus." In Myth #4 "is" not "us", "You", not "Ypu" Last paragraph: "the", not "tge"

"before believing something that has no proof" - remove "into".

$ 0.00
4 years ago

That's noted. I'll update it right away. Thank you very much.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I don’t know who will be stupid enough to spray themselves with alcohol but that’s definitely not true. I had heard all the others.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Indeed stupid, but we do really know someone in our life who believes that alcohol will keep u safe at all.

$ 0.00
4 years ago