This is the case with you, me and most of us there, striving to maintain tempo in today’s fast-paced 24/7 business environment.
In today's world of competition, it is difficult to keep up with the fast-paced business environment. On the one hand there is a problem of being late for work due to lack of thinking and on the other hand there is a threat of stress in the workplace.
Due to the higher expectations level, the workplace has become a major stressor in our lives. Endless long working hours also add to the frustration. Strict deadlines, constant brain storms and cut-throat competition leave us tired mentally.
Due to the lack of large measures to deal with stress, we end up with a lack of concentration, lack of concentration, fatigue and other psychological and physiological issues. These factors directly affect your work efficiency and productivity.
So what can be done to help ourselves get rid of these issues? I feel it is all about thinking about the moment rather than worrying about what happened or what will happen, which is called as thinking.
The thought that is believed to have originated in Buddhism has been accepted by a large number of people as a specific method to control emotions. Mindfulness is now used in the fields of psychology and psychiatric to reduce the physical and mental stress of people as well as to cure depression.
Thinking can be defined as a subtle effort to continually gain experience. Another school of thought maintains that meditation means maintaining a minute awareness of our thoughts, feelings, and our surroundings.
Benefits of Mental Meditation
Thinking provides measurable benefits such as:
Stress reduction
Reducing blood pressure
Increased clarity of mind, balance, energy, and enjoyment in life
Reducing depression and anxiety
Improved problem-solving skills and decision-making skills
Improved memory
Improved leadership
More emotional intelligence, less reactive
Mood regulation and enhancement of the immune system
Psychological stress reduction techniques have been found to be most effective. These simple thinking techniques will help you manage stress in the workplace, and you will be able to fight stress sources more positively.
Thinking Tips
1. Just Take a Deep Breath
A regular meditation practice will give you a foundation for being careful at work. Find a quiet place, sit up straight, close your eyes and let your breath flow naturally - do not try to hold your breath. Feel your stomach rise and fall while inhaling and exhaling. If you see your mind wandering, slowly return your focus to your breathing, and observe all the sensations of your body and surrounding sounds and smells without judging anything.
Do this relaxation exercise for about 5 minutes, then slowly open your eyes and look at everything around you.
2. Look in a Window
These days we find our offices located in confined environments with almost a window that opens on the outside. We completely lost connection with Nature as we sat all day in the middle of artificial light and artificial air through the air. In fact, there are studies proving that workplace exposure to natural light is associated with employee sleep and productivity.
Go out and take a walk in the natural environment. If you can't do it, somehow look at a window - just stare, maybe, the sky, birds or anything to connect with nature and feel the essence of the moment.
3. Allow Smooth Transitions
Throughout the day, when you move from one task to another, stop for a moment before the next one is correct; give your mind some time to acknowledge that you are moving on to the next task with different challenges. This will help you to be fully present in the moment and so your full focus will be on the particular task you are doing.
4. Smile and Be Yourself
Real 'Smile goes many miles' this is not just a cheesy line. Research has shown that smiling can make us tired and have a direct effect on our minds. Maintaining a happy work environment can prevent stress. Moreover, if you laugh, smile and share joy with your colleagues, it will strengthen a healthy environment and also help everyone reduce stress.
5. No Work at Lunch!
No matter how busy you are, keep lunch time for yourself. There is nothing greater than a good health. Use this time to eat healthy food in the workplace, meditate, read books or talk to people (not work-related). You can also plan a power-nap of 10-15 minutes which can be very productive for later work.
6. Haste is Garbage
While returning from work, do not rush; relax while driving or walking to your bus stop or train station, tune in to a radio or listen to your favorite tracks. Watch your steps or just think about what you achieved that day and think about how it improved. Think of all the wonderful things that happened during the day. This type of lifestyle requires a bit of psychological training which can take some time to master but when it is done, it will definitely be effective in reducing stress.