Some things are not expressed, it has to be felt

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1 year ago

There are certainly few things which can never be expressed in words, but should possibly be felt. Few things come across our lives, but we are totally helpless to find a suitable solution for it.

Feel the pain of others and be a solace to the pain. May be one soothing word can make wonders. Image from by Louis Galvez

Just want to mention few common things that we experience in our daily lives and which is looked into with less importance. But any modification in this can make a tremendous change in one's lifestyle. Maybe a small token of appreciation can also make a vast change.

I have a neighbour whose son got married two years ago to a girl from another village. They have a baby who is just a year old. The girl is always pleasant and heavy despite the hectic job she is doing at home. Her happiness involves her child with whom she keeps playing amongst her busy schedule. My house entrance faces their kitchen so I could hear and see, the cry and the laughter of the little one.

Every now and then she is fired by her mother-in-law who hardly smiles. As they have lot of hens and cattles to be looked after, the mother-in-law is never seen around the house until afternoon. This is the time we share some stories. So till then its a happy time for Mamma and the little son.

Though I haven't seen much toys around the little one, his Mamma and kitchen utensils are his great friends.

It is really sad and something to learn from this girl, who might just be in her early twenties, the patience and calmness with which she is carrying out her work. The little son is learning to walk and his mother is always busy in work. So most of the time I can hear him cry when falling.

On seeing her difficulty, I asked her "why don't you take a short break" and go to your village to spend some time with your parents. Her reply was a sweet smile and a nod which meant "Yes, I had to" which meant she has to be permitted by her in-laws and husband.

There are so many unfolded stories to be told at the tip of her mouth but she suppresses it with her sweet smile. Hope all her wishes comes true.

For the Puja holidays, I went home and spent some time with my old parents who are eagerly waiting for our arrival. A joyous moment for me because we cook some special items, share some interesting stories, crack jokes and laugh aloud. All these happens only when we go home.

Even at the old age they are managing themselves with household chores and garden work. An appreciable fact. There is maid who helps in household chores and garden. She comes in the morning and leaves by noon.

Once a while they come to my place for a weeks stay. They do no stay much longer thinking its their daughter's home. In our place usually parents stay with sons rather than daughters. That's the custom. So my parents are not ready to break the custom though there son is settled abroad.

After 3 days, I got prepared to leave home. I could see the laughing fade away and the silence and fear in their eyes. Fear as they are alone again in this old age. For one moment I felt helpless and ashamed for leaving them alone.

Here, I felt their pain. It was like they needed to convey something. I really felt they need me but as my son is studying near our hometown I couldn't extend the stay. But I decided to get them here. Hope they agree and co-operate with me.

It is not me alone, many have some unfolded stories to tell which we may not find it important but it definitely should have laid sone memories in you.

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Written by
1 year ago
