For a successful marriage

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1 year ago

Now -a-days most relationship break-up for no reason. It is sad but true fact. One is not ready to give up for the other. I have heard from my ancestors that if you clap with one hand the sound reaches no where but if you clap with two hands the sound is unbearable. Though we all know more about this none of us is ready to accept this fact.

Image from by Drew Coffman

Likewise, its better for one of us to give up and remain silent for a smooth run in a long relationship. For any relationship to be strong few things can be followed.

  • Communication - This is a must in any long relationship. Try to keep your relationship strong by sharing and communicating each and everything that you experienced during the day. At the end of the day you can have a peaceful sleep, if you have poured out everything

  • Open up - Any issues even if it is not related to your spouse, should be exchanged among each other. In case of any serious issues, it is better to get the information from your spouse directly rather than hearing from a third person. Because this is where one loses hope over the other.

  • Blaming the other- This usually happens in most households. When anything goes wrong, the other is being blamed. It has become quite habitual. Sometimes it so happens that we were not aware of the happenings but still being blamed for no reason. This indeed should be stopped.

  • A Hug or a kiss - This is one of the most essential and important matter which helps the relationship to move on smoothly. This shows the warmth, solace and security one receives in a hug or a kiss.

  • Gifts - Sone people wait for the opposite sex to pÅ•esent a gift. And some people wait for the perfect occasion to give gift. Waiting for the perfect moment ti surprise your spouse with a perfect gift is something that brings happiness or tears of joy for the other. Imagine you being one among them.

  • Accept your mistakes - As humans we all make mistakes, it is not a new thing. If you don't make mistakes then you are a supernatural human being. Be the first to accept the mistakes if the fault is from your side. This will make things easier and comfortable for either of you.

  • Patience - For any successful marriage the secret behind it is utmost patience. Here I would like to appreciate women because along with their career they make it a point to remain patience when it comes to family issues.

Thanks for your time.

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$ 0.01 from @TeacherLynlyn
Avatar for Sasha1
Written by
1 year ago


This is a great reminder for those who are planning to get married, and for those who are already married. May these reminders help to make others have a healthy relationships.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

For sure this is a great reminder. But only few follows this my dear.

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1 year ago