Here are 5 reasons why you should start fasting today

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Avatar for Sarifulgazi
2 years ago

Fasting, while not always considered to be healthy, can actually be good for you as long as you do it correctly. Whether you’re fasting through medically supervised programs or fasting on your own, here are five reasons why you should start fasting today...

Boost your immune system

While you may know that fasting can boost your immune system, studies also show that it is effective in fighting autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis. In one study of 116 people with rheumatoid arthritis, researchers found that fasting cycles caused a decrease in disease activity and produced positive changes in cytokine production. Cytokines are proteins produced by cells to control and regulate other cells in our bodies. When we eat, these cytokines cause an increase in inflammatory chemicals which have been linked to causing pain and other symptoms associated with rheumatoid arthritis. These studies suggest that fasting can be used as a natural therapy for auto-immune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis; however, more human clinical trials are needed to confirm these findings.

Get rid of toxins faster

When you eat, your body is forced to use energy in order to digest and absorb nutrients from food. If you are fasting, there is no food coming in, which means that your body will not be working as hard and doesn’t need as much energy. Without all of that extra energy spent digesting, it can instead focus on cleansing itself of harmful toxins and chemicals. By fasting on a regular basis, you may be able to cleanse your body faster than normal and eliminate these toxins more quickly!

Reduce inflammation in your body

When you're inflamed, your body is more likely to break down muscle and store fat instead of burning it. This is why a high-fat diet may not be ideal for everyone, especially if inflammation runs rampant in your body. Regularly fasting will help reduce inflammation by teaching your body to burn fat as its primary fuel source. Focus on healthy fats like olive oil, nuts and seeds, fish, and grass-fed meat, along with avocados and full-fat dairy products. It's also important to avoid inflammatory foods like sugar, processed foods, and trans fats. For example: Don't eat white bread or other refined carbohydrates; choose whole grains instead. Say goodbye to sugary drinks and sodas; opt for water or coffee instead.

Boost your energy levels

As if feeling more energetic wasn’t enough, studies have also shown that fasting can boost your body’s ability to regulate insulin. This can be a major boon for diabetics and anyone trying to keep blood sugar levels down, including those with hypoglycemia issues or those who are interested in losing weight. The benefits of fasting even extend to mental and emotional health, as well as reduced risk of disease overall. It might seem like skipping meals is a pain, but it could actually be one of the smartest things you do for your health. So what are you waiting for? Start fasting today!

Improve your overall health

A growing body of research suggests that taking time off from eating can have a range of beneficial effects on health. Intermittent fasting—or periods of time where you consume no calories, or significantly fewer calories than usual—can reduce inflammation and insulin resistance, fight cancer, and help manage neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Fasting can also boost brainpower by protecting neurons against oxidative stress and reducing damage to DNA and proteins. New evidence suggests that it may even protect your brain from degeneration as you age. Scientists are divided about how long people should fast for optimal benefits (anywhere from three days to one month), but I recommend going at least 24 hours without food to kick-start growth in new neural pathways.

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Avatar for Sarifulgazi
2 years ago


I don't quite get how fasting boosts energy levels but it sure has the other incredible benefits you made mentioned of. Fasting has immense importance, especially for obsessed people l.

$ 0.01
2 years ago