5 Ways to Be More Resourceful and Creative with Recycling

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1 year ago

Are you one of those people who rolls their eyes when they hear the word recycling? Have you ever wondered if there are ways to recycle that aren’t just tossing something into the blue bin and calling it good? If you answered yes to either of these questions, then this article is for you!

Recycle Existing Decor

Instead of buying new decor, take a look around your home and see what you can recycle in a new way to make your space more personal. For example, if you’re running low on storage space in your living room, consider turning a used wine rack into a place for keys or magazines. Or repurpose an old serving tray into a wall-mounted charging station for cell phones. A simple Google search will yield countless ideas for repurposing household items that would otherwise be discarded as trash—before it goes anywhere near a landfill! So when you’re out at garage sales or estate sales, think about how you could repurpose things instead of just how much they’d fetch in an auction.

Upcycle an Old Gift

There’s no way around it—re-gifting is generally frowned upon. But, if you give a gift that you know will be re-gifted, then all of a sudden it isn’t so bad! By taking an old gift or something that you don’t want or need anymore, such as an old vase, lamp, or linens; adding some pretty new elements like flowers or ribbon; and then giving it away again as a gift (that's right--you're giving someone an original re-gift!) you are helping keep things out of landfills. So long as everyone in your social circle knows about your intentions for future gifts, what's wrong with getting them started now? Nothing!

Turn Rejections Into Art

When you really love something—say, writing, singing, or cooking—and put a lot of effort into it but don’t see any results...it can be devastating. And that feeling is even worse when someone else appears to do better than you. Unfortunately, rejection is a part of life in any creative field. We all deal with it—maybe even more than we want to admit. You can’t take it personally, though; most people who reject your stuff probably aren’t trying to be mean. Instead of sulking after a rejection letter or mediocre review from an editor, turn your rejections into something you’re proud of—like the work by artist Fiona Corke does after she didn't get accepted for art school!

Say Yes To Secondhand Goods

Most of us think about recycling when it comes to material goods, but there’s nothing stopping you from giving secondhand clothing, furniture, or household items a new life. Many thrift stores and charity organizations are actually in need of donated goods—and will accept almost anything (including your old mattress). However, there are some things you should never donate; check out our list of donation dos and don'ts for more information. If you’re strapped for cash but know you can get used out of an item, see if a friend or a family member has something similar that they're willing to give away instead. You can also check local classified ads or setting up a Facebook group where people can trade stuff locally. That way everyone wins!

Stop Throwing Out Your Scraps

If you’re getting ready to throw out scraps from a meal, do a quick check-in. Are there any meals you can repurpose those scraps for? Is there anything that can be used in another dish? If so, take those ingredients and create something new. This can eliminate a lot of food waste.

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1 year ago
