Relationships and values not part of the tool.

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Most  people don't incorporate their relationships and their values or character traits into their time management planning process—even though if asked,
They would say they want to prioritize those relationships and live by those values and character traits.

Slowly and almost imperceptibly,
You can lose focus on your values without even recognizing it until a lot of time has been lost.

As we will examine in greater detail,
The development of our character affects what we do, Say And ultimately achieve.

The bitterest tears she'd over graves are for wordsbl left unsaid and deeds and left undone.

Robert frost had had a similar caution from his poem “The road not taken.”

Most people remember the last lines:
Two roads diverged in a wood, And I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

There's another part of the poem that is worth another look and can also make all the difference.

Remember the line:
Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should come back.

For those of us who have experienced what
“Way leads on to way” means,
There is hope and a plan.

To me, “Way leads on to way” means,
You take an unexpected turn in your lifes journey, And it becomes your life.

Maybe your career finds you in a place you never imagined, And you don't feel you belong there.

Perhaps your family life is not what you had envisioned while growing up or considered even in the courtship years.

You may not be able to go back in time,
But you can certainly lead your life and your time to be the person you've always wanted to be, Even if there are detours.

We'll take a deliberate approach in making sure, Your most important relationships and your deeply—held values are part of your time management philosophy.

The intent is to add to the strengths of common time-management strategies such as putting down lists of tasks organized in days, Times, And priorities, And integrate them with strategies that will help each of us become the person we want to be.

The most dominant governing value that is built into the current time management tools, Without us perhaps even realizing it, Is speed and efficiency.

When someone touts the promise of speed and efficiency it gets our attention.

However, weightier matters such as values and mission may be omitted.

In rare cases,
Values and mission may be part of the instruction manual or even the seminar on time management,
But more often than not,
Values and mission are not a part of the time management system itself.

Again, Speed and efficiency are nice, Only after values and purpose are in place. That's our goal.

Taking these five reasons altogether,
It is not a difficult to see why many people don't persist in using their planners or become dissatisfied in using them.

Some very important components are missing.
If there are fundamental flaws in the time-management approach and its results,
Then it's difficult to develop it into a habit.

We still want to find something that really works, But in the meantime, We just resolve to do the best we can with what we have.

The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at, When we created them.
—Albert Einstein

The first order of business is to examine the nature of these time-management and how it is, As Albert Einstein put it,
That we have created them.

Unlike most time management articles, Books, And seminars, The focus of this article is not on the mechanical aspects of time management, But rather on examining our individual beliefs and character, And then integrating character into the way we manage our time and activities.

This is about making sure we are headed in the right direction and tapping into the very best within each of us.

This is in contrast to focusing on speed and assuming the direction is accurate and will miraculously manifest itself later.

If you are one who :

°°° Uses your time management tool religiously

°°° Feels guilty about not using your time-management tool more consistently

°°° Has thought many times about getting a time-management tool but haven't got around to it.

°°° Gags at even the thought of using a time-management tool.

Take a deep breath...

Be open to examining a new way of thinking about time management.

Solving significant problem takes more than just doing the opposite of what was done before.

Rather, it first takes a whole new approach toward defining the problem and an innovative way to solving it.

When it comes to your time-management tool, In the end you will use a system that works best for your situation and helps you to become the person you want to be.


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