Prayer And Meditation.

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I mentioned that both the bristlecone pines and redwood trees fight disease from within by the very make-up tree.

So how do we create this barrier of protection from fires from without without and disease from within, Which Rob us of our time and focus to be more and not just do more?

We need to dedicate a portion of our time every day to strengthening our divine brains.

How do we do this? Recall the lesson from our three-part brains that we have the power to decide that our divine brains will dominate our thinking instead of our lizard brains or monkey brains.

This is the first great decision we need to make —that we can make a deliberate decision to have our divine brains dominate our thoughts and harness our power to choose.

Consider the poem “invictus” from William Ernest Henley that celebrates this power that exists in us.

-invictus- Out of the night that covers me, black as the pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever Gods may be for my unconquerable soul. In the fell clutch of circumstances I have not winced nor cried aloud. Under the bludgeoning of chance my head is bloody, but unbowed. Beyond this place of wrath and tears looms but horror of the shade, and yet the menace of the years finds, and shall find me, unafraid. It matters now how straight the gate, how charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my faith:I am the captain of my soul.

This is a wonderful poem that arouses in mankind the ability to realized his/hers potential.

Look at how mankind has improved over the centuries and how the improvement is accelerated year after year.

It is simply awesome.

We are all so fortunate that enough people have made the huge decision to intellectually tap into their divine brains.

We have all the benefited from these advancements.

Despite the declaration and evidence that we are each the masters of our fates and the captains of our souls, However, We also know that our abilities and courage have limitations.

The recognition and humility to acknowledge such limitations can be one of our greatest strengths.

For within all of us is also a voice that says there is a greater source of power higher than our own.

We all have the ability and opportunity to consistently tap into spiritual strength or our source for meaning.

For some, Spiritual strength means religion, While for others it may come from nature, Science, Literature, Music, Art, And so forth.

Because by some estimates over 80 percent of everyone worldwide is affiliated with a religious group, Let me give the context of spiritual strength through the lens of religion.

The second great decision we can make besides deciding that our divine brains will be our dominant brains is to start and end each day using our divine brains.

Being who we are or hope to be depends on which brain is allowed to be most dominant and which brain is most used.

Praying or connecting to your source of meaning through meditation is a powerful use of your time when it is done as the first activity of the morning and the last activity at night.

The world around us is a competitive and complex place where survival and conquest (Lizard brain), Emotions, And fitting in (Monkey brain) can dominate our days.

When we don't begin our days by praying or connecting to our sense of meaning, The lizard-brain and monkey-brain activities that surround our world begin to clamor for our attention.

If we do not make a conscious decision to begin and end the day with divine-brain type thinking, We will be drawn to the lizard-brain type thinking by default.

Prayer is not an old woman's idle amusement. If properly understood and applied, It is the most potent instrument of action.

Consistent prayer and connection to purpose increases our capacity and ability to use our divine brains in the hard moments.

Think back to a time when you regretted doing or saying something.

They need not be huge regrets, Just the title ones.

Perhaps you got impatient and said unkind things.

Perhaps in a moment of anger you acted inappropriately.

For more of us, These regrettable moments happened when our lizard brains or monkey brains dominated our thinking.

Consistent daily morning and evening prayer or connection to meaning through meditation build our reservoir of strength in those tough moments.

What should you pray for and meditate about? Begin each morning by reviewing those things for which you are genuinely grateful.

Although not everything is perfect, Going through this “Gratitude attitude” Exercise will help all of us realize how blessed we are in all things.

Be grateful for the natural beauties you have around you every day, And pray to have eyes to see them.

We have relationships th that give us strength and hope.

Be grateful for friends and family who love us and whom we love.

We have physical conveniences and technological advances that kings, Pharaohs, And rulers of days past could only dreamt of.

Review and be grateful for your belief system and how it has blessed your life.

Review and be grateful for your unique talents.

Be grateful for challenges that help you grow and develop your character.

Be grateful for life itself and for the freedoms you enjoy.

As you go through this simple exercise, Can't you just feel your awareness expanding? What are you grateful for?

Follow your expressions of gratitude by thinking about how you can improve yourself as well as lift others today on a personal level, Professionally, And in all areas of your life.

Recall that we defined time as opportunities measured in units of possibilities.

Pray to see possibilities and for opportunities to realized them.

Pray for the courage to live according to the person you want to be.

Before you go to bed, Review how you have lifted others each day.

Celebrate your valiant efforts to live according to your beliefs in both the big and little things.

This daily and nightly accountability system will remind you to keep your divine brain as the dominant brain.

Your divine brain will also help you make the adjustments you need to make to realized the person you want to be.

Add to this the habit of daily reading if scriptures or inspiring literature.

The lessons you learn from your reading will also help you keep your divine brain as your dominant brain.

As you make these simple activities habits, You will notice your very nature will change, And you will recognize that you are indeed divine.


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Nice and short write up. Your title very much match with your writing . It has lots of meaning

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3 years ago