Not Designed For Life Balance

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Time management tools are usually not designed to define nor produce balance.

In fact balance is usually left out of the equation.

How do you define life balance?
When someone says the word balance,
What visual representation comes to mind?
For most people it's a scale.

Therfore, most of us conclude that life balance must be a series of scales where we measure time spent in each role, And then quality of life is evaluated accordingly.

If I put equal amounts of time into different roles, I conclude that I must be balanced.

The weight and impact of the activities themselves is usually not considered.

Simply making sure that time is spent in each role is what is valued. This is inaccurate and incomplete.

Look at balance instead in terms of dancing.
The dancers achieve “Balance” as they go through their routines,
And they constantly shift their weight according to the moves,
Whether the style of dance is ballet, Ballroom dancing, Or street dancing.
When it comes to time management,
Life balance is a series of rhythms and movements that accompany the melody of life.

Some parts of the dance of life are fast and others slower. Some parts are taxing others relaxing.
The dance of life as a whole, However, Should bring us joy.

As you revisit the definition of life balance in the context of a dance,
You may be pleasantly surprised that life is going better than you thought.

If not, I hope a change in definition will help you redefine the problem as well as the solution.

In each person's life there are periods of temporary imbalance that eventually leas to overall life balance.

For example,
How many of you have ever felt you were out of balance as a college student or when you were ge specialized training for your profession?
Yet that temporary imbalance of college life or training allows you to have opportunities now, That you may not have had otherwise.

How many of you with children, Have you ever felt temporary imbalance when your first child was born? Sleep deprived?
Did your life revolve around your infant child?
Did you stay up after the toddler finally went to sleep, Just to take a moment in silence to stare at your child in awe and wonder?
The precious but exhausting time spent with your infant child, Literally change your outlook on life.
Your infant child probably redefined what the word balance means for you.

In a different stage of life, How many of you have stayed up late at night into the early morning having meaningful discussions with your teenagers?
You may remember feeling the exhausting physical effects of those late nights, But they may also be the moments when those relationships are built and strengthened.

In these moments creating a schedule and sticking to is laughable.

We all just learn to go with the flow, And that's okay.

How many of you have had longs days at work when you were given a new assignment or were promoted?
You were anxious to do a good job, And you made sure you got through the critical learning curve as quickly as possible.

Your efforts have paid dividends.

The key is to make sure these temporary imbalances, Are indeed temporary.

When the temporary imbalances of your life never cease, You'll get burned out.

How long can you dance at a fast pace before you get sick of dancing and sick of the music as well?
Life balance is a dance.

There are varying speeds, Movements, And intensity.

Live your life in such a way that you enjoy the music along the way.


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