Need A New Coach.

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Think of it another way, Remember how your children, Nieces and nephews or neighborhood kids would play sports year after year, Sometimes with the same friends and teammates.

Over the years you get your share of mediocre coaches.

Every now and then, However, You get an exceptional coach, And everything changes.

The kids play with more skills and teamwork. They win more games and have a lot more fun. Remember, The players are still the same players. The sport is still the same sport. The difference is the coach. The difference is with the person who is in charge.

The coach's approach to practice and games is more disciplined and deliberate.

More time is spent on skill development and strategy without losing the element of fun.

How the coach responds to player mistakes is better.

The way the coach sees each player is more uplifting.

The players' response to the coach is encouraging and inspirational.

Similarly, We all have three brains, And they all have the ability to be the coach and call all the shots.

Changing the way we see the world and how we see ourselves and others can be achieved by simply changing the coach—the mental coach.

Make sure it's the divine brain calling all the shots and not the lizard brain or monkey brain.

When the most intelligent brain is in charge, We'll see our progress differently

We'll see our setbacks and mistakes differently.

We'll approach life with more hope, Love, Purpose, And forgiveness.

The greatest lesson of our three brains and the ugly duckling is that we can choose to put our divine brains in charge.

This is the single greatest desicion that we can make.

Once we make this decision, We'll realize that we can make every other decision.

We will realize that we have the freedom to choose.

Time and again when people make this shift they feel liberated and would want to exclaim like the ugly duckling, I never dreamed of such happiness as this, While I was an ugly duckling.

Making this mental shift or coaching change is something that is going to take some practice, And we will use our time-management strategy to make sure that we do exa that.

The habits formed from the lizard brain and monkey brain don't just go away immediately, However, And those old habits sneak back in from time to time.

Regardless with some practice and persistence you can become more consistent in having your divine brain be your dominant brain.


This is part of “CHAPTER FOUR” A Couple Of Realities Of Life

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