Heart Transplant.

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By now you recognize that this article is not your typical time-management article.

Most time-management articles and courses focus on “Doing” on the assumption that with greater efficiency the “Being” will somehow automatically happen.

This article approaches time management from the opposite direction, Putting a greater focus on building the foundation of “Being.”

We begin with the heart as well as the mind.

The activities I've mentioned are important and make all the difference.

A word of caution is needed now, However.

Consider for a moment what happens with those who undergo heart Transplant.

A diseased heart is removed, And a healthy heart is put in its place from a donor.

The body, Recognizing the new heart as simple foreign, Begins to attack it.

If left to take its natural course the body will reject the new heart and the beneficiary of the transplanted heart will die.

To combat the natural tendency for the body to reject that which is foreign, Medicines are given to the patient.

The medicines need to be taken with exactness, And when the body adjusts to the new heart the patient can live for many more years.

Interestingly, Some patients are casual with taking their meditations, Because they feel good at the moment.

Consequently such a short term view can end up shortening their lives.

When i talk about using our time differently by creating habits of prayer, Meditation, And studying scriptures and inspirational literature, It is like getting a heart Transplant.

It is an equally new experience when we deliberately cycle up the zigzag path to growth.

These new habits require a change of heart and not just a change of mind and habit.

They require exactness and consistency.

I recommended prayer or connection with meaning, Both morning and night as well as daily.

I also suggested daily study of scriptures or inspirational literature.

In the beginning, If it is not currently habit, Our lizard brains and monkey brains will reject it.

After all, They each want to dominate, And much of society's activities are geared toward lizard-or monkey-brain type of activities.

Remember that my intent is to use our time in such a way that our divine brains will be the dominant brains.

Be axact and consistent.

Resist being casual about prayer or meditation.

Be deligent in studying scriptures or inspirational literature.

Persist until such divine-brain activities are no longer foreign activities, But you see them as an integral part of realizing the person you want to be.

Remember that the most important decision you make is to have your divine brain be your dominant brain.

These activities will help you to make it so.

One of the great benefits that will come from these activities is to develop your power of discernment.

To discern means to sift, To separate, Or to distinguish.

Prayer or meditation, Studying scriptures or inspirational literature increases our ability to sift and separate those things that will help us realized the person we want to ultimately be, Versus counterfeits that give only fleeting satisfaction.

In my overview of the six allegories, Each allegory addressed a question regarding building a culture of being more and not just doing more.

QUESTION FROM MY OVERVIEW: In allegory of the tree, Why is a focus on character development a necessary part of time management, And what is the difference does it make?

ANSWER: just as the bristlecone pine and redwood trees achieve longevity because they can fight fires from without and disease from within, So can we experience extended success if we can have a barrier against activities and thought patterns that distract us from our path towards being the people we want to be. The development of character creates such a barrier of protection.

To-Be action plans from the allegory of the trees

  • First, commit to making your divine brain your dominant brain.

  • Second, begin and end each day with divine-brain activities consisting of prayer or meditation and studying scriptures or inspirational literature.

  • Third, continously move up the zigzag path to growth, understanding that growing pains are just part of the cycle. Persist through the tough times and get encouragement along the way. If encouragement from others is in short supply, Be your own cheer-leader. In the end you'll grow, Feel better, And move towards your mission.

  • Fourth, Provide help, Encouragement, And reassurance to others as they move up in their growth cycle.

Consider these four to-be action plans as part of your time-management philosophy.


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