A Couple Of Realities Of Life. (Chapter four)

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Let's examine a couple of bedrock realities to build the foundation of being more and not just doing more. I call these two realities :

°°° Three brains
°°° The ugly duckling


The neurologist Paul maclean has proposed in his article The Triune Brain in Evolution, That our skulls hold not one but three brains.
You can look at them as three interconnected computers, Where each computer has its own intelligence and memory.

Maclean refers to one part of the brain as the reptilian brain.
It's also called the lower brain, And for the remainder of the article I'll refer to it as the lizard brain.

This is the brain stem and cerebellum that controls the movement of our muscles as well as balance, Breathing, And heartbeat.

He refers to it as the reptilian brain, Because with reptiles, This is dominant portion of the brain;
It controls their survival instincts, Behaviour, And thinking.

It basically responds to two questions :
Can I eat it? Or can it eat me? After those two questions are answered, The brain then operates on survival instincts and asks :
How do I conquer or escape from being conquered?

The second brain he refers to the limbic system. It's also called the middle brain.

The lymbic system includes the amygdala, The hypothalamus, And the hippocampus.

The limbic system has also been referred to as the mammalian brain, And for the remainder of the article I'll refer to it as the monkey brain.

This part of the human brain is home to our emotions and moods.

At the touch of an electrode, Feelings of fear, Pleasure, Joy, And rage could be produced.

In this limbic system or emotional system everything is either “Agreeable or disagreeable.”

This is the part of the brain that tells us to avoid pain and repeat pleasure.

This processing of emotions in the limbic system is also connected to how we interact with others.

Just as there are social norms with monkeys, Dolphins, And other mammals, This is the part of the brain that dictates the existence of certain rules when interacting with other people.

This part of the brain reinforces the idea that if we want to satisfy our need and desire to belong and fit in with others, We need to follow the rule of the pack.

When we feel that we belong in the pack, We feel better; When we feel that we are on the outside looking in and not part of the pack, We don't feel so good.

The third part of the human brain McLean refers to as the neocortex.

The neocortex makes up about two-thirds of the total brain mass of a human.

In animals, However, It is much smaller than the other two brains.

McLean refers to the neocortex as “The mother of invention and father of abstract thought.”

The neocortex is where higher-level thinking occurs.

This includes language, Music, Math, Planning, Memory storage and processing to create complex mental models, And so forth.

I would add to that list other higher-level thinking such as understanding of natural laws, Principles, Inspiration, Purpose, Contribution, And other abstract ideas that don't exist within other species.

This part of the human brain is what separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom.

All of the technological advances, Inventions, And the creation of other conveniences that we enjoy today were processed through the neocortex.

All three brains serve an important purpose. We wouldn't want be without any of them.

To continue pls read this article that includes here...

Sun, Moon and Stars., https://read.cash/@Sarahmay/sun-moon-and-stars-538d492a

One Brain Will Dominate. https://read.cash/@Sarahmay/one-brain-will-dominate-459fb944

Be Divinative. https://read.cash/@Sarahmay/be-divinative-97de4250

The ugly duckling. https://read.cash/@Sarahmay/ugly-duckling-b4ee7643


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