From AL to LA

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When I was 23 I sold everything I owned one day except for a few prized possessions, packed up my Honda civic to the ceiling, and took off for life in California. I didn't know where to live in California so I chose Beverly Hills. There was a Russian woman on the internet renting out a one bedroom with utilities, 400 square feet to be exact for exactly $1000 a month. Meeting her was fairly easy and so was sealing the deal. A Japanese lady who was particularly friendly lived across the hall and a porn star next door.

I got a job at Louis Vuitton at the Beverly Center. It was fascinating to see random celebrities walk in or shop, I never did get over being star crazy. I absolutely loved seeing them! Life in LA was exciting, I got to party at all the best Hollywood spots. There were always sponsors so that drinks were usually free.

I just wanted to write this little memoir to highlight some of the best days of my life. Sometimes I wish I was as brave today as I was back then, I could never do such a thing now. I'm older and will barely drive across town now if I don't have to. I don't party and I could care less about Beverly Hills or celebrities.

Once upon a time though, I really lived it up in the Hollywood hills!

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At least you did it and that counts. You lived, explored, have memories no one can take away from you.

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3 years ago