People think of their weakness as their own simplicity. But it is not simplicity. It is a kind of laziness.

Most people have a kind of pride in being weak towards someone. The manifestation of this weakness in trying to prove himself transparent makes him acceptable in many places. Helps to gain the sympathy of others.

People have to be tough after a while. We need to overcome our weaknesses and create ourselves anew. The most important thing for this is self-esteem. Whose self-esteem is as low as; He wants to be more dependent.

The social system is also somewhat responsible for this. When a person recovers quickly by overcoming a weakness in something, the people around him become suspicious of him. Questioning his honesty and transparency.

The people around us are ready to show sympathy for our weaknesses; Do not appreciate our strength.

Our weakness is not our simplicity; Our laziness. For some invisible reason we love to keep it alive inside ourselves.

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@SakibHasan posted 3 years ago
