Who's trading on Solana chain?? New tokens, like smartBCH?? Anyone is there??

$ 0.12
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@Sajibb posted 2 months ago


I have no idea about Solana chain. Guide me if you have any idea about them 😁

$ 0.00
2 months ago

Same as smartBCH... You can lose your money, or make..

$ 0.00
2 months ago

What's about you ..? Are you making money or losing...? Or the giveaways of these memecoins on twitter is real.

$ 0.00
2 months ago

So far I lost around $600 So I suggest you to keep away from investing.. And there are sooo many giveaways, but no one get it, cz, all of them are fake

$ 0.00
2 months ago