The situation in the current job market is such that there are at least 50 to 60 candidates for a job. Because of which various companies want information as a requirement, your eyes will rise when you know the candidate's salary. At the beginning if we talk about the requirements then for a job with a monthly salary of $100 a candidate must have a minimum qualification of a bachelor's degree, if it is on the bachelor's side then he must have experience in speaking English fluently. Having IELTS certificate is much better for fluent speaking skills. Even though there is a maximum duty of 8 hours per day approved by the government, no one can return home after working for eight hours in these private sector, because one of the superior requirements of the boss is to do over duty without pay. If you are illiterate to do over duty then your job is over. Even then if someone is employed then he has to face various problems like one of the problems is that you will get monthly salary after half of the month. I wish I could have my own job rather having mf boss

$ 0.07
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@Sajibb posted 1 week ago
