Wooden pencil

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Avatar for SajibSarker
3 years ago
Topics: Story

Pritha got off school at the time of coronation and gave up her studies. As soon as he read the dust on the book, his memory was covered with dust. Watching mobile all day and sitting in bed is his daily routine. Sometimes there are a couple of online classes, which seems like a lot of chat to Pritha. Even though Sarera is in class, she doesn't pay attention in that class.

By turning on the class in the zoom app, he gets busy with his work. All his thoughts are on how many people participated, who is taking the class, who is seen in the video, who is talking. But even though he spent all his days happily, today Sir brought a bad news for him. Assignments must be submitted within the next three days. The sky fell on Pratha's head. He doesn't remember where the pen, where the pencil, where the notebook is kept. He was able to find a notebook and a pen, but he could not find a pencil.

Her younger brother from the side said, "I saw two wooden pencils in the bag where you put your belongings."

On hearing this, a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of her lips. As soon as I remembered the pencil, a love story kept in the pages of my memory.

Abid Hasanain is a very ordinary lover behind the established men in the world of this competition. Pratha fell in love with the man with her hair full of hair and beard. Although it was good at first sight, Prithar did not have the courage to speak on his own. Abidai was the first to extend the hand of friendship.

Happiness, sorrow, sharing, quarreling, as well as when the two of them were stuck in the magic of love, they could not understand. But they were both anti-love. When he realized that there was no way to escape. Promised to walk side by side with happiness and sorrow.

Then one day Abid had to move to another city in search of life. Some people used to say that if it is hidden from the eyes, it becomes hidden from the mind. But the opposite happened to them. Love multiplied, it became a responsibility not to see each other. Yet both are helpless.

Love began in a new way. Meeting at intervals of one and a half months seemed to have become their routine. Abid hardly gets a chance to stay more than one day. The two had to spend the whole day together and say goodbye. Every time it was time to say goodbye in a very emotional atmosphere, tears in the eyes of both of them, and a smile of farewell on their faces again. Looking back again and again, eye to eye.

Seba Abid came to Pratha town three months later. After a long time he decided to stay for two days. After spending the whole day and returning home, Pratha has no chance to go out. But Abid could not believe that the two of them would spend the night in the same city and no one would see anyone's face. He also informed that Pritha will not be able to come out due to fear. But Abid was desperate to get a little cool touch from the poor lover's hand, he called Pritha in the evening,

Prithamani, don't listen! I understand that one of your things has been left to me by mistake. You will just come down a little and take it away."

Pratha understood the incident well, but pretended not to understand and said, "Tell me? Well, come and call Turmi."

Abid came under Pritha's house at around 8 pm. Abid smiled and handed a packet to Pritha, then for a few seconds he felt a cool touch, a touch of impeccable love, waiting for deep love. Bread went home and opened the packet,

Abid used three new wooden pencils in one packet, probably the other three. He has very carefully found the touch of longing to see the beloved man at a glance.

Bread seems to have fallen in love once again with this ordinary, man who is constantly fighting with life. Again he prayed to the Creator to stay by the side of this man. They do not know if he will get a chance in this life, but that love will remain immortal.

"Why are you sitting with a pencil in your hand, won't you draw?" - Pritha's younger brother Ayan called from behind. Suddenly, Prithar regained consciousness. Leaving the world of thoughts, he let out a deep sigh and concentrated on writing.

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3 years ago
Topics: Story


How wonderful this story is, I enjoyed reading it

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3 years ago

Thank you ❤️

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