The Batman(2022) is a mediocre movie

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2 years ago
Topics: Movies, Opinion, Review

The film's biggest problem is its plot. It is stupid and inept. Think about it: what distinguishes a detective from other genres? You have a set of characters, and you (the viewer), along with the main character, are trying to catch the killer. Basically, there's just no detective component. Batman goes around random places and solves "mysteries." Bruce does it, and his friend Gordon praises him (by the way, why are they friends???). Does this somehow lead the viewer to unravel the nature of the events?????. NO, they still happen by the will of the plot, not because Bruce solved the mystery or not. Even the murderer isn't caught on his own, but only when he voluntarily surrenders.

Okay, maybe it's not a detective, but a thriller. But even so, the movie manages to be crap. You don't know any of these people, who they are, how they lived, and so you don't feel any excitement for them. Moreover, even when the stakes seem to go up, you are immediately told, NO, Alfred is alive, here he is one minute after his "death." Did Riddler figure out Batman's identity? YES, and then one minute later you are shown that he didn't XDDDDDDDDDDDD What's the point of that????. I don't know.

Now about the characters. All of them, thanks to great actors, have potential, BUT, even in the entire 180!!!! minutes, they are not realized in any way. They just don't develop. Bruce was "dead inside" in the beginning, and still is. Catwoman was a strange girl with no purpose in life, and still is. Gordon was an honest detective, and what do you think????. Nothing has changed by the end. If you don't want to do the twists and turns with the characters in the first movie, then cut it short, why make it 3 hours of timing? So the audience can sleep soundly????

I don't want to say anything about Riddler at all, he's not Riddler but a Joker in disguise, just a madman who wants everything bad XD then what will you do with the Joker???? After all, you've already applied this trick to another villain............

Conclusion: 5/10 - watchable, but not really necessary. People who chased Snyder and BVS, now you're happy?????

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Movies, Opinion, Review


The scene at the end of the movie with the riddle of "the less of them you have the more one is worth" sound like they are implying both joker and the riddler is really a friend so joker in disguise is a good point.

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2 years ago