Cultural takeover of the world by means of anime

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2 years ago
Topics: Anime, Politics

Have you ever wondered about the amazing destiny of Japan? It is a beautiful country with a centuries-old history whose multifaceted aesthetic is admired by many.

Then let me ask you, are you sure you know this particular Japan? Or are you just wearing rose-colored glasses? Let's get to the bottom of this.

Let's go back to the early 20th century. The Civil War and the Meiji Restoration are behind us, modernization is in full swing, so successful that Japan will be able to compete with the European "mastodons" for the next 40 years. Having embraced its new social institutions and technologies, it has also embraced imperialism, a contagion whose destructive nature leaves no one a chance, which is devastating to those around it as well as to the patient himself.

It ended deplorably: two nuclear mushrooms and a massive postwar famine, not to mention the lost colonies.

It would seem that Japan would repeat Germany's fate, but amazingly it not only managed not to repeat it, but also to become the main eastern ally of the United States.

Wtf?! How did this happen?! Very simple...

Anime is Japan's tool for fighting on the world stage and blowing dust in everyone's eyes.

You may think this is nonsense, but think about it. Anime and its accompanying Japanese culture are like hypnotic propaganda, they impose on fans a certain image of Japan that the Japanese government wants to see. Not as an aggressor, but as a misguided friend of the Western world that has been wrong for 50 years, but has now changed. It is now a non-aggressive, developed country with a pop culture of anime. It is this cartoon animation that makes us all think so. FYI, very few people were persecuted and lustrated in Japan after World War II, of course this was primarily due to the need to contain the USSR, but things are a little different now.

The new Japan with anime has become a global cultural hegemon. If you are reading this article, it means that you, like me and many others, have fallen into the net of the damned Japanese. Anime has infiltrated everything from billboards to toys to virtual performers. It has even infiltrated our intimate lives. My God, I've watched so much hentai, read so much. I already remember many of the authors by name!

Finally, anime is a drug that the Japanese government is trying to make us consume. One day we watch anime, the next day we dress up in a dress and put cat ears on our heads and after that we will live in the world of Blade Runner.

I'm afraid it's too late to change things, but we must warn future generations against this plague in the name of human freedom and independence!

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Anime, Politics
