Blood Donation (Save a Life)

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3 years ago

Since the dawn of civilization, people have stood by each other in times of need and extended a helping hand.  Standing by the side of miserable humanity and removing the sorrow, pain and wailing of the afflicted people and putting a smile on their face is the innate religion of a man with a great heart.  Today, the 'voluntary blood donation' program to save the lives of others has started a new chapter in humanity.  The initiative to save the lives of others with one's own blood enriches people with a sense of humanity.

What is blood donation:

If for any reason the human body lacks the necessary blood, its life becomes critical.  Excessive bleeding as a result of an accident or injury can be life threatening.  Any disease can reduce the amount of blood in the body.  Sometimes there may be a need to make up for the lack of blood during the operation.  And the system that has been developed to eliminate the lack of necessary blood is blood donation.  This is one of the great works.

Blood group:

There are 4 blood groups.  They are- A, B, AB and O groups.  Scientist Landois showed the first achievement in diagnosing blood group.  The patient's blood group is first diagnosed while taking blood.  The blood of the healthy body is then circulated in the patient's body in combination with the blood group.  But before that, of course, the Rh group was also seen.

Blood donation rules:

The process of saving a patient's life through blood donation is a bit complicated.  Blood can be circulated in the patient's body only if it has suitable properties.  There are some international rules for blood transfusions.  Anyone with a healthy adult body can donate blood.  However, he will not have any serious disease.  He should be between 18-58 years of age.  A blood donor can donate blood every three months.  Blood donor body temperature should be below 99 degrees.  Blood pressure will be between 100/80 and 200/90.  Many times blood from the donor's body is stored in the blood bank and used as needed.

Blood Donation and Conservation Principles:

Blood donation is a great vow for well-meaning people.  To participate in this great work, 250 cc from the body of a healthy person.  Blood can be drawn together.  It does not harm the body.  Medical scientists have discovered the scientific method of preserving blood.  Every medical center and hospital now has a blood bank.  The first blood bank was established in 1937 in Chicago, USA.  250 cc of blood from the body of a healthy person is kept in a bag.  The bag is 50 c.  C.  Acid citrate contains dextrose.  In 1914, scientist Houstain discovered the scientific method of not clotting blood in bags.  The purity of the blood depends on the appropriate temperature and ambient conditions.  Blood is usually purified for up to three months in a refrigerator with a temperature of 4 C to 6 C.

Problems with blood donation:

Blood donation is a sensitive issue.  For that, its rules and regulations should be followed properly.  Many times there is a problem because there is no good system for collecting blood.  Care should be taken so that the blood is not contaminated.  When blood is contaminated, it becomes unusable.  Again some professional blood donors sell blood for money and consider it a profitable business.  Corruption can enter here as a result of greed.  This can lead to the death of the patient.

Caution in blood transfusion:

At the time of blood transfusion, the blood recipient and the blood donor have to be entitled to the same class of blood.  If the blood groups do not match, different reactions occur in the recipient's blood.  This also creates the risk of death of the patient.  Moreover, no needles or syringes can be used while taking blood.  Use a new needle or syringe.

Misconceptions about blood donation:

There are some misconceptions about blood donation in our country.  Many people are shocked when they hear about blood donation.  They think blood donation is bad for your health.  Their idea is completely wrong.  Because blood cells are being created in our body every day and old blood cells are becoming useless.  Even if blood is not given, old blood cells are not protected from becoming useless.  So every three months, any healthy adult can donate blood.

Blood donation bridges the gap between rich and poor, black and white, and religious differences.  Blood donation is a great service to the human race.  One bag of blood can save the life of a dying person.  For this we all have to come forward with blood donation and build a social movement in this regard.

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3 years ago


Donating blood is a great job. This can save someone else's life. Many are afraid to donate blood. That could be harm to them. But in fact there is no problem in donating blood.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes brother. Many are afraid of this donation. But we need to take steps for awareness so that they also inspire to donate their blood.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I respect all people who donated blood. For the human body, blood is an irreplaceable medicine. Each of us is a potential recipient of blood, so only people can help each other. In Slovenia, mutual assistance within the Red Cross has grown into a movement based on deep humanism and a commitment to solidarity with a fellow human being in need of blood. Blood donation is based on the principle of anonymity, voluntariness and free of charge.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I also respect those who continuously donate their blood every 3 months. I also donated blood one time.😊

$ 0.00
3 years ago