Collage life is very funny and interesting. My first day at collage is very amazing. Nice your post.
ভালোবাসার অনেক রং। ভালোবাসা মানে শুধু ভাল থাকা না। আরও অনেক কিছু আছে।
I completed my SSC ten years ago but i can not still forget the day of farewell ceremony of my school. School days were the most beautiful days of my life. College life was not so much beautiful for me, i did not have much memories with College.
College life farewell was rare in our time. But high school farewell was common. We also enjoyed our farewell ceremony. All friends and teachers and also junior brother and sister of our school made our day.
Farewell ceremony is an important day in my life. The day is still in my mind. I'll always remember the day and never forget the day. It was a memorable day to me.
I miss my college days. I can remember my farewell ceremony. It is very sad day of my life. I cried that day because i miss my college,friends and teachers.
Yes, brother, I miss my college life very much. I can remember my farewell Mr. Moni. It's really a very sad thing in college life ...
I also miss my college life.not only college life but also miss my school days also. The farewell is very sad day for me. I am crying.
My first fairwell ceremony is very memorable. I always miss my college. I love my college. Thanks.
College life is best. Meny friends, adda,funny so nice life.Because my first fairwell ceremony is memorable. I know i love this.
Yes man. The best of college life I had a lot of college friends and I used to hang out with them and have a lot of fun. College lady is very exciting.
The second stage of life is college. College life is never to be forgotten. I still haven’t forgotten college life. I can't anymore. I miss my college very much.
College ceremonies and the last days of college are very difficult, very painful. I cried myself the day I had to leave college ...
Your article is about college and proves how much college is loved and loved. Thank you for giving such a beautiful post. And to remind you of my college.
Wow. Good ceremony for your college life. Thanks for share your personal information.
The farewell ceremony of college life is never like Bhola. This day will be as memorable to me as the rest of my life. Thanks to the author for sharing a beautiful topic.
Who doesn't love college life? I love my college life very much and miss it very much. Thank you
The last day of college life was heartbreaking. This day is never like Bhola. Education is the happiest moment of life in college life. Thanks to the author for reminding me of a very old memory.
You are right, the last day of college is very hard to break ... That day will never be forgotten ... I will never forget. Thank you ...
I miss my college life so much. I have done many events in my college life. And had a lot of fun with everyone. That day will never be forgotten.
The events in college life were very fun .. I had a lot of fun in college life, I hang out a lot with my friends and chat a lot .....
That day is no more, I have lost those days ... I miss my college friends ... Thank you for writing such a beautiful memorial article ...
During farewell ceremonies, tears usually roll down the cheeks of the students saying the farewell, and most times their parents also because it hasn't been an easy journey, all those years in college.
The day of the college farewell ceremony is as pleasant as it is very difficult. I will never forget the day of the college farewell ceremony. It was as if I was leaving something to my own people. I know no one will ever forget that day.
sharing years with classmate was cool and memorable. yet we need to say goodbye because life must go on we have our own path too.
I love my college. I can never forget my college history. Thanks for sharing this information. I am waiting.
I love my colleage life. College life was very very interesting. Whine I read your writing I remember my college history. I love my all college teacher and friends.
College life is very imprtant of everyones life. College life was very important. I can never forget my college history. Thank you m
Farewell ceremony is those day when we finished our college days. College last is farewell day. Not only college last day,it is also school, Versity last day.
i love article. thanks you so much a good article published. Farewell ceremony is last days in college life.this day is so upset everyone.
এটি মনে রাখার মতো একটি দিন।এতো দিন কলেজে কাটিয়ে এবার কলেজ থেকে বেরোনোর সময়। অনেক কষ্ট হয় তখন। ধন্যবাদ লেখক কে এটা মনে করিয়ে দেওয়ার জন্য।
College life is very important and enjoying life.this is my mamoreble day.
It is sad when you finish your career at the university, the ceremony comes, the protocol not wishing it to end, that moment is very beautiful, my congratulations to you, you are already a professional with your degree in hand, you will be able to exercise where they give you the best benefits work.