Loving our parents before it's too late

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2 years ago
Topics: Contentment, World, Facts, Love, Parents, ...

How many times have we seen or sit down with our parents in a long session and spoke about life and our problems with them? We tend to skip our parents time and not give them time to care for them or love them in the way they deserve it because we are busy in our jobs or work or simply entertainments. We should change before it's too late.


Parents are one of the best things that we can have in this life and once they're gone we cannot have different parents same like them because they gave us birth and they love us the most no matter what the situation is and no matter how we look, or what our colour is. And having said that, they are one of the best people that you have to take care of when you grow up and they deserve all the love, respect and care from you and your siblings. They raised us and did good for us when we were sick and when we needed any medications and took us to the doctor or hospital, they protected us when we need someone to protect us when we were little kids or when we were scared of something real or not, they did their best to make us look good and bought us whatever clothing they could afford for us, be it one of the best qualities or the quality they could afford in that time when we were young, and they definitely did their best to educate us about this life, about manners and simply put us in a good school to learn, and even until this day some parents still help their kids pay their University payments.

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Our parents are one of the best people in the world and we should love them and care for them more and more just like they deserve.

Taking care of them

Life is too short and taking care of our parents before they die is a must for us, and will make us happier and better people in heart. Avoid shouting at your parents or disrespecting them no matter what the situation is and do not insult them or reduce from their respect rather do the opposite and take care of them , if your mother's legs are paining simply massage them for her, and if they need help for example in their work or in kitchen do help as well. Taking good care of our parents and assuring they have a lovely life and some money and good health is one of the best feelings in the world and is a thing we must do. Old people tend to also remind us of our mother or father and taking care of the eldery will also bring a smile on our face.

Loving them

Loving our beloved parents no matter what, is the best thing we can do to make them happy if we don't have enough money to buy them good phone or something that makes them happy so simply loving them and taking good care of them is going to make them more than happy. Spend more time with them and talk about subjects that they like to talk about even if you don't like it, that will make them happier. Do the little things and that will also make them happy you don't need to do everything to exhaust yourself. If your mom is somehow sick you can also cook for today or for the week or for all the month, it will help and she will get happier. if you don't know how to cook you can open YouTube and learn how to do some recipe or simply from read.cash because we have a lot of recipes in this website which do look good and taste good of course. Sometimes if you really cannot spend too much time with your parents maybe buy them a kitten or a cat which you can also adopt if you don't want to pay money , and tame the pet so they can spend time with the cat and be happy, but you should stay with them of course, if you have time which you should have for them. You can also take them outside for a ride or take them to the restaurant or maybe travel together and have fun in some countries because they deserve it and you would be with someone that you trust and love as well.

Finally I want to say love your parents before it's too late and if they are growing up then stay with them and take good care of them because it's a must, and it would make you a happier person and will avoid griefing about their loss without spending more time with them, so take the advantage if you still can and be a nice human and a lovely son or daughter.

Have a nice day, and thanks for reading everyone.

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Contentment, World, Facts, Love, Parents, ...


No one can replace the love and care of our parents. They loves us unconditionally but some of us consider them as liable or burden. They deserve all the happiness and joys. We need to be more careful towards them and give our love to them.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Parents are the only best thing in our life that don't want anything from us they love us in free we don't need to return anything. they love us anyhow. but other relations are not like parents they are the sweetest thing in this world. everyone should love their parents and respect them.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Parents are gems that no one can give you a replacement to. We should take care of them while we can. Good article and heart touching.

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2 years ago