Terrorism and State Terrorism

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4 years ago

What is the relationship between terrorism and state terrorism?

Terrorism is Violence, or the threat of violence against non combantants or civilians, usually motivated by political, religious or ideological beliefs. Terrorrism is not an organized crime it is politically and socially motivated, It also wants to seek media attention and terrorist group wants to recognized by the government. According to book of ROUTLEDGE - HANDBOOKS OF CRITICAL TERRORISM STUDIES, Terrorism is the strategically indiscriminate harming or threat of harming members of a target group in order to influence the psychological states of an audience group in ways the perpetrators anticipate be beneficial to the advancement of their agenda.

State terrorism is an act of violence perpetrated by the officials of a state or their agents. It is done to intend a message to people either in a limited scale or generalized population. State terrorism instill fear to people by violence, most commonly by torture, disappearance and illegal arbitrary detentions.

State terrorism has no difference with the non state terrorism, in some terms of it’s constituent features. The common definitions of terrorism has three key elements. First, terrorism involves threatened or perpetrated violence directed to a victim. Second, the violence actor wanted to cause fear to the witnesses. Third is that the violence actor expects the witnesses to alter the behavior that he have shown (Walter 1969). State terrorism to be done needs a fourth element, the act is performed by people on behalf of the state. This may include para military and the security agents of the states against the individuals or somehow innocent people.

As with non-state terrorism, state terrorism has a purpose. As political scientist Ruth Blakely notes, state terrorism is not only about the destruction of those targeted, but it is also driven by the “opportunity afforded by the harm to terrorize others.” In other words, what unites these acts is an aspiration to punish but to intimidate more widely as well. Based on recent events, such a desire on the part of a wide variety of states shows no sign of dissipating anytime soon..

Terrorism and state terrorism had been connected to political gains of higher people on positions and some officials. State terrorism somehow been a proof of using the fear of the people for political gains and it has been the most effective way of making people to conform to a certain rule, law or state. They’re differences between non state terrorist and state terrorist. State terrorist is within the state, on the other hand the terrorist group is somehow wide range, Terrorist group can dominate one nation or state.

Some were takien from a study.

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4 years ago
